View Full Version : Overwhelmed To weak to breath?

14-01-18, 00:33
Hi thanks for clicking,sorry this all over the place I can't think. I have been having anxiety, breathing problems , and everything else under the son. I been having new anxiety symptoms where I feel to weak to breath. I had bronchits for almost 3 weeks I am probably better. But I still random symptomes. I have been to to the doctor and they said my blood work is fine and theirs no wheezing in my breathing.
But I still feel like I just can't breath and now sometimes I feel to weak to breath like I don't have enough strength to breath in. I also hold my breath without realizing it.
I feel really tired randomly just hits me during these. I feel ready to pass out or faint I feel like words to work in my head sometimes I can't type. And I cant eat I haven't been able to eat more then 200 calories a day doctor said I have acid reflux I am on pills.
I also get random pains in my head, in my chest and on my left arm. They hurt they are sharp. I feel like I just cant form sentence in my head.
I just need reassurance that this is normal and that others have had it. I get really hot sometimes. :unsure:
Are theses panic attack or is it something serious? these are all new symptoms

14-01-18, 00:48
I have those breathing problems as well. I just feel too weak to breath and like it’s a lot of effort. In my case I think they’re deep sinus issues. When my sinuses get cleared those issues go away.

14-01-18, 00:54
To have these types of symptoms and to be posting here asking about them answers the question IMO. Of course, anxiety and panic can cause these symptoms. If it were that serious, you'd be at the hospital don't you think?

Positive thoughts