View Full Version : Mole anxiety 2: electric boogaloo

14-01-18, 10:52
A few weeks ago, I felt an itch on my upper lip, which I scratched and noticed I scratched RIGHT OVER a small raised mole I have there. I immediately started freaking, but calmed myself down with the "two-week rule" (i.e. only get a symptom checked out if it persists for two weeks). It tingled off and on for those two weeks, so I decided to go to the doctors. She said she couldn't say for sure, only gave me a referral to a dermatologist. Unfortunately this was around the time that specialist clinics close for the holidays, so I had to wait until the new year before I could book an appointment. So I did. Except now, I have to wait until the end of FEBRUARY for my appointment!!!

I called the dermatologist back and the receptionist told me that if I was concerned, I could speak to my GP who could then speak to the clinic and see if they could push my appointment up...but other than that there's nothing I can do to change the date. I may just take up on that offer...I also have a counselling appointment on Wednesday, so I'll definitely discuss this with her too.

For the record, I am in my early 20s with no family history of skin C*. I had two moles removed last year -- both came back benign. However, I am fair-skinned and do live in Australia, which is notorious for skin C*.

I've had the mole for at least a year or two. I feel tingling and sometimes burning sensations all around that area now, though not all the time. It used to be more of an oval shape, now I SWEAR it's more round. It's still smaller than a pencil eraser though, and all one light tan/pink colour. It's got a little "ridge" in it when felt normally, but it's smooth if I stretch the skin out (since it's on my lip and all). No bleeding. I've attached a pic of it...what do you all think?
