View Full Version : Myocarditis? Need reassurance?

14-01-18, 14:41
Hi everyone

Well the brain tumour fear is on standby at the minute, but here's my story:

Thursday morning I woke up with aches and pains, feverish...a bad cold. Also bad pain in the sternum area. It wasn't "deep" in my chest, and felt superficial e.g. in the ribs or just below. This continued all day Thursday and went away Friday.

Yesterday morning, it came back BAD. Phoned the Out of Hours GP who said "probably muscular, but head to A&E". Went to A&E, had ECG (Dr said it was "perfect"), had bloods (troponin, normal) and CXR (normal). The bloods did, however, show raised CRP?

I keep worrying there's something wrong...especially because the CRP was raised, and after Googling, it can be raised by CANCER and RARELY by viral infection?

14-01-18, 14:51
There are a variety of reasons for a raised CRP and yes, unfortunately for a HA sufferer, some nasties too and as is the case, HA latches onto the worst case scenario and rules out the fact that you had the "crud" for the last few days. I've had it for a week and between that and all the meds I'm on, I bet my bloods are a bit off too :wacko:

If you're that concerned, a simple phone call will alleviate your fear. "Told ya so gang" will be on standby ;)

Positive thoughts

14-01-18, 15:21
They use the CRP readings to see if my crohn's is under control. It does not mean cancer.

You were ill so no wonder it is raised.

14-01-18, 15:24
I know someone who had myocarditis and his EKG had showed that he suffered a small heart attack. They wouldn't miss something like that. His bloods were way off too. I think you are fine.

14-01-18, 17:54
THANKS for the replies everyone

The chest pain has eased a bit today but now I’m starting to think the high CRP levels is because of a brain tumour. I’ve been googling and the only cancers associated with high CRP (apparently) are breast, cervical bowel and melanoma.

Ahhhh why does anxiety make us think like this

14-01-18, 18:09
When i had flu over xmas i got alot of pain right in middle of sternum. Mixture of coughing and viruses affect the ligaments i was told. Raised crp is sign of inflammation and viral bacterial illnesses most of the time. A dr would expect your crp to be raised when ill. Maybe mine is too havibg had the flu.

14-01-18, 18:26
You don't have cancer though just cos your CRP is high - you have had an infection.

Mine was 434 when I had the crohn's flare-up!