View Full Version : Going out of my mind with health anxiety!!

Cherry Bakewell
14-01-18, 16:20
I can't cope with health anxiety. I'm currently in absolute panic mode and can't bring myself out of it. I have suffered for years with health anxiety but I have recently been diagnosed with an ear infection and convinced myself I have a brain infection. I'm crying writing this due to the fear. I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago and had a week of antibiotics..i started getting a pain in my ear again and then my head so went to the docs. He took one look down my ear and said 'wow nasty'. He said the antibiotics mustn't have worked so gave me different ones which I have nearly finished but i have a dull ache above my ear in my head. I have googled and found the worst possible thing and have convinced myself I have got it. Im constantly thinking about it. I am not sleeping and so so scared. I've broken down to my mum who said i don't have a temp, I'm not confused, no issues with vision so to stop worrying but I just can't. I hate this, my relationship with my boyfriend is suffering as he cannot put up with me the way i am. I don't know what to do!

14-01-18, 16:29
Have you thought about asking your GP for a referral for some professional help?

14-01-18, 16:37
Cherry have you any symptoms that indicate you have a brain infection? Most of these illnesses progress very quickly (eg meningitis), you usually dont have them for two weeks and are relatively well. I think tackling your HA is the main issue to you feeling better.

For what it's worth my oldest dog had an ear infection for two years, various treatments. It never spread to his brain in all that time.

14-01-18, 16:53
You will be absolutely fine.
Sit down, take a drink. Open up to someone as calmly as possible about your symptoms and why they are worrying you.

Do something to take your mind of your health, eg watch TV, or do something you enjoy. :)

Cherry Bakewell
14-01-18, 17:03
Thank you, that's helped me xx

---------- Post added at 16:58 ---------- Previous post was at 16:56 ----------

I have had CBT but it didn't work and I'm on sertraline.

---------- Post added at 17:03 ---------- Previous post was at 16:58 ----------

Hi no i just have a dull nagging ache above my ear. I have no other symptoms. I just can't stop thinking the worse. Telling me about your dog has helped. I hate the fact i can't reason with myself

14-01-18, 17:22
There are online courses you can do as well. Have a look at the posts on here for those.

14-01-18, 17:37
Hi Cherry, what a fantastic handle, made me think I want one, diet says no LOL
As for your ear infection, they are renowned for being antibiotic resistant, go back and ask your GP for some antibiotic ear drops to use in conjunction with oral ones.
I have had them a few times, they hurt and the last time I had a bad swelling behind the ear.
Please don't worry, it want kill you and it want cause a problem with your brain, worse case scenario it could give you a bad throat or snuffles.

14-01-18, 17:44
Hi cherry
I feel like I'm reading about myself we are so similar and it's absolutely awful it takes control of you and your thoughts does your heart race as if it's coming out your chest? Cold fingers and toes...shaky..feeling of dread on the pit of your tummy..derealisation...keep thinking your going to die of anything terminal oh that's good old health anxiety alright I've lived with this for over 15 years
and everything I deal with health related i go into complete meltdown thinking im goint to die of something terminal it's so awful and when i talk to anyone like my husband he just gets nasty and frustrated with me because he didn't understand what we go through nobody does unless you have it..
Now my advice to you is it's your anxiety that's playing tricks on your mind because when this happens our when body goes into protection mode so we have the sudden urge to run or we need a quick fix of reassurance to help us but our body's think we are in danger that's where we get anxiety now this may sound silly but trust me I have the same as you...say to your mind "thank you for your protection in thinking im in danger..but I'm ok I've got control of this I will be ok this is just a thought it's not real thank you anxiety but I'm ok...ya can either say this out loud or close your eyes and say it in your mind it works when you keep repeating it over and over again becausè we need to train our brains to think differently once it gets used to it it does actually go away and didn't last as long and you can relax a little more..because when we go into a frenzy over our health we are only actually feeding the anxiety more...as for your worrying about you having a brain infection if you had a brain infection believe me you would know about it you would be in so much pain you wouldn't be able to concentrate and you wouldn't be able to even read this let alone write it you would be in a hospital bed very I'll if your doctor thought u had anything like that they would of sent u straight to hospital you can probably feel pressure in your head and ear because of the infection clearing up slowly if you are worrying about it go back to see your doctor to put your mind at rest