View Full Version : Health Anxiety After Drinking Alcohol

14-01-18, 18:07
Hi everyone,

This is the first time I have posted on this and just wanted to know if anyone. Else gets really bad health anxiety the next day from drinking alcohol

I have been suffering with anxiety for a year and it has got a lot better but when I drink alchohol the next day is awful! :weep: I feel so restless and so tired but it’s like I’m scared to fall asleep

Does anyone else get this and have any suggestions on how to relax? I do try my best not to drink as much but it’s very hard I’m only 25

I feel really guilty when I talk to my family or friends about it because I know it’s my own fault.

Any suggestions or advice would be really appreciated
Thank you x

14-01-18, 18:10
Alcohol is a very powerful depressant. It can and does make people feel very bad the next day.

It's really a choice. Give up and not worry about it, or carry on and suffer. Even though you're only 25, it really is that black and white I'm afraid.

14-01-18, 18:12
I've just turned 27 so I know what you mean, all ya mates going out etc but suffering from HA. The only thing I done was cut down on my intake, was so hard at first and did have set backs but managed to get use to it. It's just finding how much you can drink that won't make your anxiety bad in the days after. But I have cut down alot, I will only drink once a month now and I don't go out and get hammered only a few sociable drinks.

14-01-18, 18:25
Thank you for your replies. Your right it’s just not worth it thats why I feel so guilty because I’m doing this to myself.

I had tried taking diazepam in the past to relax but this had made me worse because I constantly think I shouldn’t have taken it and something bad will happen

I will definetly try to limit what I drink and not get carried away. Other people encourage you to drink a lot but at the end of the day it’s not them who will feel like this.

Thanks again :)

14-01-18, 19:32
Other people encourage you to drink a lot but at the end of the day it’s not them who will feel like this.

Yeah its always hard, that's what set me back number of times being out with the lads and once you have one or two you go with the flow and end up regretting it in the morning and anxiety through the roof. But just have to make yourself to not get tempted to drink more and more and in the end it will come easy for you to say no to a drink.

Hope it goes well. :yesyes: