View Full Version : confrontation

Joe C
14-01-18, 22:00
hi guys, I've been feeling pretty good for the last few months, triggers were under control, nothing too bad worry wise. I recently went from renting a chair, to owning my own shop (I'm a barber.)

Before this I've never had to manage anywhere. I'm finding the responsibility of it all quite difficult, cutting hair I love, chatting to people I love. I'm on top of the organisational side of things, what I'm finding tough is having to be assertive.

The shop is pretty small, so if there are young lads in there, swearing etc and also children, they need to be made aware of it and asked to watch their language. I've managed to ask a couple of people to be careful with swearing and thats been fine. But I'm not very good when it comes to lads who are bigger than me, and I know I couldn't handle if for whatever reason they got funny with me and turned violent.

I find I'm constantly thinking about it and worrying when a lad that fits that description comes in, even though I know its very unrealistic things will get nasty if I'm polite.

Not looking for advice per say just wanted to vent and see if anyone else struggles with this.

The good news is now I'm better off financially I can afford long term psychotherapy, so that starts on Tuesday, which I'm excited about!

Thanks for reading,


14-01-18, 22:16
Congratulations on buying your own shop and getting your anxiety under control.

Maybe if you get a CCTV system put in your shop it would help because people would think twice about trying something funny if they know they're being recorded. They are pretty cheap now and don't require a lot of technical expertise to setup.

Good luck with your upcoming therapy.