View Full Version : Strange purple mark on lower leg?

14-01-18, 22:15
Hi everyone,

Has anyone ever seen anything like this or had anything like this? I have searched the forum and can’t quite find a thread which describes what I have. All I can say really is that it is a purplish bruise like mark and I can’t quite give a time frame on how long I’ve had this...I’m worried this is a vascular problem but I think I may have had it about 3 months now...can’t be sure as only started worrying about my leg about 2 months ago...it slightly hurts when I press it but I can barely feel it. Sometimes it will go numb but not too often anymore. Any insight would help greatly thankyou :blush:

14-01-18, 22:22
Can't really see anything

14-01-18, 23:00
Yeah I can't really see anything either

14-01-18, 23:41

I've had something really similar before, though it really looks like nothing in your pic! Doesn't look like vascular issue like a clot or anything. Mine was a strange dark red/ purple rash like mark that looked like it was below the first layer of skin or deeper down. Turns out it was some kind of irritation from shaving my legs. Apparently the follicles in that area were irritated and had formed a rash. Maybe fungal. It went away after a few months once I'd forgotten about it. Mine felt a little tender to touch sometimes, and when I focused my attention on it too much, it would feel odd, like out of place. Yours looks like maybe something similar? Have you asked your GP about it? I bet its nothing to worry about :)