View Full Version : Melanoma??

14-01-18, 23:49
I'm really worried because I'm sure a new mole has appeared on the underside of my arm. I could have sworn that it wasn't there before. Also, I've had a raised mole on my stomach for ages that looks quite scaly and has a lightish border around it. When I looked at malignant moles it looks like one of them... :( There's one on the back of my leg that is very small but is two colours. One half dark brown and the other lightish brown. A nurse once checked the one on my stomach but quickly discarded me and said it was fine, but I'm not convinced at all. I'm already at higher risk for melanoma as I have very pale skin, pretty big strawberry mark on the back of my leg, lots of moles, freckles, and burn and peel easily instead of tanning. I'm making another appointment soon but I always get worried about misdiagnosis or doctors sending me away because they just think I'm a massive hypochondriac and too young. I'm 23.

15-01-18, 00:34
Most moles aren't actually cancerous and the ones that are have tell tale signs that someone with as much medical training and daily experience as doctors and nurses would notice.

Once you start getting yourself believing that misdiagnosis is a common occurence, you start going down a very slippery slope of health anxiety.

Misdiagnosis is rare. Of course it happens, doctors are human but they aren't going to make themselves liable by making mistakes constantly.

They worked hard to get where they are, trust them.

15-01-18, 03:47
I'll try not to worry so much about it. I just thought any mole that has more than one colour is concerning. This is what it looks like: