View Full Version : Ache in back of neck / hard bump

15-01-18, 15:14
Hi, long time reader but first time poster, but I really couldn't stand it any longer.

So a little bit of context into my issue.
I have had a hard section on my neck for at least a year. It is around 2cm in height and width as far as I can tell and is below my mastoid, just beyond where my jaw meets the rest of my neck To my knowledge it has not grown or changed, leading me to believe it has been there for a fair bit longer than a year. I saw a doctor she could not feel anything (regardless I am sure it is there, just a bit difficult to feel). I was advised that if it was there, I shouldn't really worry unless it changes or was painful.

So now to were I am today. I have had pain in a roughly similar area (though not where I can feel the hard spot). Ive had it for maybe a week or two, and it's a dull pain that I can't really pinpoint well even if I focus on it. It feels like it is near the base of my skullstrerching over to my ear. I haven't really paid much attention to it as it comes and goes and most of the time it doesn't bother me, but after scaring myself by looking into my throat to check something horrible wasn't happing to it, I thought about the pain until it just felt worse and worse and I began to worry that there was a real problem.

Now what I hope is happening is that it's simply the pain of the slow to erupt wisdom tooth I have on the same size, as one of the cusps feels near to breaking through. I would be happy thinking that but I couldn't find anything about wisdom tooth pain in the back of the head/neck.

I have booked an appointment with my doctor but I just wanted to see if anyone had any insight or a similar experience in the meantime.

Thank you for reading and God bless.

15-01-18, 15:19
If you have to dig around to find something then it's not an issue. If a medical professional cannot feel it despite you pointing it out directly, it's not an issue. The pain could very well be from all the poking and prodding you've been doing.

Positive thoughts

15-01-18, 15:39
Thank you for your reply Fishmanpa :)

I have been trying to tell myself this, and usually I would accept it as my health anxiety has been pretty good lately, but the very fact that it happened without me touching it worries me.
I know that the whole "the doctor must be wrong" angle is a common theme with HA but with some issues I find it hard to get over immediately. I'm only seeing a doctor because I want the ultrasound she offered me a few months ago to settle this once and for all. Until then, I'll try and stay positive.