View Full Version : Shoulder blade, pancreas argh. Help!

15-01-18, 18:09
So further on from isdues I've had, I'm now at an all time low with HA.

After abdominal surgery last August (bilateral inguinal hernia) I started getting pains in my abdomen, both left and right, mainly around my navel. Almost feels like something is being stretched. Doctor, after feeling around, diagnosed adhesions, and possibly post infectious IBS. I had bloods taken in August, which were fine, and more in October, again fine, including faecal calprotectin, and 2 tumour markers

Anyway, about 2 months ago, my left shoulder blade started hurting, mainly radiating around the inside. Of course I went googling, which was the wrong thing to do, as the first thing that came up was the old favourite, pancreatic cancer. Off I went to the dr, and explained my symptoms. I mentioned pan cancer(I'm 43) and he said no chance and put me on nortryptiline, which did nothing except dry my mouth. I then switched to gabapentin, which did nothing either, both low doses. He said musculoskeletal issues (if I pull my head down to the right, I feel pain in my left shoulder), possibly nerve damage and tension.

I've had the pain now for 2 months, and its not any better. Some days are better than others, but I also have fleeting pains across my back, mainly left, but sometimes right, and occasionally under the shoulder blade itself. Sometimes either side of my spine cramps up. Of course, the illogical part of me is saying its serious. I've no weight loss, can sleep mainly ok, and no loss of appetite, but I'm concerned.

Anybody had similar, or got any words of wisdom?

15-01-18, 20:00
Yes i have. I posted about this a while ago and recently responded to another member with these symptoms. We think it may be related to medication . My doctor thinks it is muscular but she did send me for an ultrasound on upper abdomen to check pancreas, liver, gall bladder. It was clear so, if you have the same and had those bloods done you are probably okay. I think it would be worse by now if it were pan cancer. Like you, it sometimes feels like cramp in my back.Hope this helps.

15-01-18, 20:12
Thanks. Its just worrying when you feel cramping under the shoulder blade. It seems to be a bit better when I lie down, but as usual HA takes over and assumes the worst