View Full Version : Flu Virus causing anxiety relapse?

15-01-18, 18:49
I have been on citalopram since last may, 10mg. Coping okay, still have my moments but seem to get over them! I have panic disorder, OCD and hypochondria.
This week I have been off work with the flu and pneumonia. Today i have been feeling extremely anxious with no obvious triggers, apart from being ill. Im worried im going to have a breakdown again or go crazy.
Can viruses like the flu cause a relapse of anxiety symptoms? Should I be worried? Any reassurance would be massively appreciated! X

15-01-18, 18:57
Yes, I believe they can, as well as causing anxiety in people who don't usually have anxiety. I had flu from Xmas eve to only a few days ago. I didn't luckily have pneumonia, but boy did I feel awful. I was exhausted, no appetite, felt emotionally very low, lost weight, had temperatures coughing, didn't sleep....it was horrible. I felt very anxious in the last week of the flu as I was recovering and the exhaustion was lifting.

I found this little piece online which covers what I wanted to say in better words...

When the body is stressed, it's not uncommon to have stressful thoughts and experiences. Why this occurs isn't entirely clear, but every part of your body is a machine, and when something is going wrong in that machine it throws off everything.
When you have the flu, your immune system goes into action, and that affects everything else in your body. Many people find that they actually start to experience anxiety before their flu hits, while others experience anxiety during and after the flu. The flu has also been linked to depression, and some studies have even shown that severe depression actually peaks during flu season.

The symptoms of the flu can also lead to anxiety. Nausea, aches and pain, high temperature - these all can make you feel as though you're suffering from something terrible, and that can cause a great deal of anxiety.

It is temporary, remember that, once the flu resolves you will slowly get better. ( I presume your pneumonia is beign treated with antibiotics?) Being even ill with a cold makes me tearful and bad tempered lol Actually, I think thats partially why I found myself back here, on this forum, after a few years of not coming. Flu, accompanied by some life events combined.

15-01-18, 19:32
Carys, thankyou so much for your reply! Those words actually settled my mind a little bit :) I just have to tell myself that it wont last forever!
I think as I am a hypochondriac I am definitely subconciously fearing the worst! I have just had mt first dose of pneumonia antibiotics just now.
It sounds funny, I work in a busy cardiac centre so see ill people every day and know about complications etc which im fine at with work, but when Im ill i fear the worst! A hypochondriac wanting to become a nurse sounds funny, but I am determined to not let this illness stop me from doing what I want to do!
Guess its me being a silly unwell mess! Anxiety is just the worst, it never gives you a break. When you arw ok you worry about it coming back, and when it comws back a bit you fear you are going crazy unless i am the only one! X

16-01-18, 11:58
This is spot on man I feel rough and today my anxiety and panic kicked in massively! I’m not taking antibiotics again I’m sure they disrupt your med regime

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17-01-18, 16:22
Benjammin69 and kazzydragon, phew I'm not alone then! I feel better knowing its probably viruses that can cause the anxiety, and that I'm not about to have a breakdown again!
I hope both you guys feel better soon!
I get what you mean about the intrusive thoughts benjammin69, I get them and then it makes me super anxious.
It is just the most annoying thing being fine and so positive, and then bang the anxiety starts to hit and you dont know why! Then you think oh god, im gonna be a mess again!
Im never really normal but since being on meds im pretty good at self talk, but this week its been awful, im so nervous I cant even eat!!

---------- Post added at 16:22 ---------- Previous post was at 16:20 ----------

Sorry I meant to say about the intrusive thoughts to kazzydragon not benjammin69 lol!

17-01-18, 17:06
It’s horrible ain’t it. I spoke to a doctor today and she said antibiotics can get rid of your good bacteria as well as bad and about 80% of serotonin is in your gut so when you take things or have an upset stomach etc then your messing with your serotonin again causing a lapse in anxiety and depression :-(

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17-01-18, 17:38
I've been off work this week and just ventured out for the first time, to buy a few supplies and have a long sit in a cafe.

I began what I consider classic 'post-viral sadness' thoughts - I miss my old cat, wish my daughters were closer, etc etc. I am used to this now after observing it over the decades, and so I can feel the sadness but know that it will pass once I feel fit again. It isn't nice. I've also felt more anxious, and the above makes perfect sense to me.

Much love to you. Hang in there! xx