View Full Version : skin problem !! anxiety is stressing me out need answers asap

16-01-18, 00:06
so i've been getting really itchy skin over the past few days, i get a little itch somewhere so i scratch it and then it itches more and more and my skin goes red and i get loads of bumps on it, and it spreads and i get itchy evetywhere and it's like a burning on my skin. the redness and bumps are there for maybe a few minutes and then they disappear. this is happening all over my body and i got stressed out, googled it and though it might be hives but first i don't know what could be causing it, second i read somewhere that it could be deadly and now i'm literally shaking, can someone please help me i need answers !!!! what could this be, why and what should i do ?

16-01-18, 00:10
Could be psoriasis caused by stress. I get it on my scalp and forehead to the point where it looks like I have scales.

See a doctor to be sure but I suffer from a lot of skin problems, none of them deadly. Also scratching excessively will cause irritation anyway regardless of skin conditions.

16-01-18, 00:11
I dont think anyone here could give you definitive answers :shrug: but maybe its some type of allergy rash? I read in a few places that stress can cause hives too.