View Full Version : What can I do to get rid of morning anxiety?

29-06-07, 12:09
At the moment I'm really suffering every morning with major anxiety. It seems that being alone overnight allows my mind to start thinking about bad situations which then mean I wake up feeling all anxious and like I want to cry :weep:

Some days it passes in an hour or so, other days (like today) it can take most of the day to settle down. There must be something I can do or a remedy I can take to lift my mood in the mornings? I've got Rescue Remedy but sometimes it doesn't seem to help.

29-06-07, 15:00
Hi Moose :)

First of all have some hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I can completely sympathise with you on this one.
I am the same, I find that late at night I feel so lonely that my mind races and I end up laying awake in bed having bad thoughts and memories come back and find it hard to go to sleep and then by the morning I feel terrible cos I have hardly slept and I wake up all anxious and tense :weep:
What I try and do now is if I am feeling really anxious in the evening before bed then I try and relax. I have a nice bath, sit in my front room with lavender insence burning and I play relaxing music and lay on the sofa and do breathin exercises. I do find it helps alot to relax and kind of wind down before bed, then I find I sleep better and then when I wake up I dont feel so anxious.
Maybe you could try something similar. I also use rescue remedy in my bottle of water if I am feeling really anxious and find this takes the edge off.

But please just remember you are not alone, alot of us in the same boat here :)

Take care hun and feel free to PM me if you want to chat :hugs:
And remember this will get better and you can get through this! :)
Laura xxxx:flowers:

29-06-07, 18:02
Hi Moose

Try these links they help hun:)

Worse in mornings
Mornings (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5489)
i'm crying!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6998)
MORNING FEELING (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7510)


30-06-07, 10:10
Thanks for the links Andrea, at least it's not uncommon then :) And thank you for you kind words Laura. I know I can get through this. I just wish there was a quick fix!

Today I'm not as bad as yesterday (say 7/10 compared to yesterday's 9/10 on the anxiety-o-meter). I did half an hour of relaxing techniques before I got out of bed which seemed to help. The biggest problem I have is trying to stop negative thoughts entering my head and allowing my mind to dwell on them. Once I let them take over I spiral into a really anxious moment.

There's a number of things on my mind at the moment which aren't helping, as it's those things I keep dwelling on. I need to keep busy really to prevent me thinking about them, but it can be really hard when you're lying in bed with nothing else to do. I guess that's why it's easier during the day as there's always things to keep you busy.