View Full Version : One Year Update: Ups and Downs

16-01-18, 03:16
Hello all,

It has been some time since I posted. Long story short, I started twitching after heightened anxiety over the passing of several close relatives. I have always been a little anxious about my health and the health of those around me, but things went a bit haywire over the last two years. I have been twitching for about 10-12 months now. Started in the left calf, then moved to my left pinky and then went everywhere but my face. Then it went to my face :)

So where am I today and what can you learn from my experience? I am still anxious, though much more aware of it. I notice now when my muscles are tense or when my mind starts to take me down that all too familiar path. Most days it is manageable. Some days are hard, but overall being aware and accepting my condition has made it easier.

Looking back, 10 months from when my first panic attack brought me here, I can offer some advice.

1. Listen to the tough love. People like Fishmanpa give it to you straight and that is not always easy to handle. Trust me. They are doing it for all the right reasons. Even if you have whatever it is you are worried about (chances are you don't) the fact that you are here means you have health anxiety.

2. Get help and don't look for quick fixes. Talk to a qualified therapist/counselor. Keep close friends and or family in the loop. Don't go through this alone. That said, don't wear out those close friends and family. Put the majority of the weight on your therapist. That's what they are paid for.

3. Be kind to yourself. Take breaks. Meditate. Frustration is okay if it leads you towards positive changes and or therapy. Absent that it is a waste of energy. Learn to laugh at yourself. Everyone has quirks. This is one of yours.

I am still in the thick of it. I lost my father and grandmother in the last three months. My wife is trying to get citizenship. I am finishing grad school with two little ones and the job market does not look too good. Money is tight. But, for the most part I am happy. I try to focus on that.

As for medical appointments, I have abstained for about 6 months. I have just scheduled a follow up appointment with my GP at the year mark since my onset of symptoms, as recommended. After twitching for almost a year they just want to check my bloodwork and put me through the usual neurological exam. I will probably be referred to my first neurological appointment and may be given an EMG. Sure, this scares me a bit. I like the reassurance I get from doctors (most of us love or hate the doctor), but anytime there is a new test I cannot help but let my mind wander. It may never go away, but that doesn't mean I have to let it run/ruin my life. If this batch of tests and visits comes back normal then I will have to go on living and twitching.

Last thing I'll pass on is a great saying someone on here once posted (cannot remember who).

"My recovery begins when I fear not living my life to its fullest today more than I fear dying tomorrow."

Good luck to all of you!

16-01-18, 04:21
Sounds like you are doing right by your family. Good luck on the job market!

16-01-18, 04:40
Thank you! Good luck to you as well!