View Full Version : How long can your piles feel aggravated for?

16-01-18, 13:56
Yes, I have those horrible wretched things, and they've been at me on and off for years. So my question is if you get a bit of a flare up (not a major one though, I've had a lot worse) from them, which I think I got as a result of my crap diet over xmas, how long before things should feel back to normal again? It's been close to 2 weeks now and I still don't feel right down there. I'm not in serious pain or anything but it's as if I can feel it there all the time. And of course I'm very aware of it all the time now.
Has anyone had piles that have been at them for weeks before they settled down?

16-01-18, 15:22
Yes, definitely. I found suppositories were helpful for a couple of days.

If it's cos you were a bt bunged up, then it will be at least until you are UNbunged.

This is normal (especially if it's not the worst you've ever had) BUT always see the doctor if something likethat carries on for too long. I'd say you ought to be seeing an improvement very soon. Of not, it's not silly to be checked out.