View Full Version : Finger swollen update (feels like fluid inside)

16-01-18, 19:19
My finger has been swollen for about 2 months. Just the first one on my right hand. The finger next to it has felt a little weird but isn’t swollen. I finally saw the doctor last week and one of them diagnosed me with chilblains (I do have a few on that finger but those have come on in the last few weeks, not as long ago as the swelling) and another suggested but didn’t diagnose me with Raynaud’s.

I’ve been trying to do as the doctors said (keep myself warm and moisturise the finger) but since I’ve been doing that it actually somehow feels worse. Most days that finger has been itching and burning a bit, right where the swelling is (right in the centre of the finger, on the joint, also where a chilblain is) which it wasn’t doing when it first swelled up (although it did feel weird back then)
Also I was feeling it just now and it feels kind of like there’s fluid in there that I’m moving when I touch it. Kind of like when a spot has pus inside, that feeling?

It’s making me so anxious that it’s infected. The past few days I’ve also felt a bit “blah” (dizzy, “not right” but my ears have popped a few times and my nose has been running so I’ve been hoping it’s a cold?)

My mum said she’ll take me back to the doctor, but not until tomorrow at least and I’m kind of freaking out right now. Could this be part of the chilblains I was diagnosed with? I’m nervous about that my finger was swollen a month or so before the chilblains appeared so I’m worried that the doctor thought I just meant the red marks on my finger, not the actual swelling. Unless swelling is a part of it?

17-01-18, 22:56
Anyone? I’ve also noticed that on my left, non swollen hand, my first finger can band and touch the inside of my hand, but on the right side the finger doesn’t reach the hand. It bends and gets half way there but won’t go any further.