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17-01-18, 05:04
Hi everyone. I had a circular spot near my ankle during the summer (or maybe even before) that I believe was a result of an injury.. I remember not thinking much of it. My dentist had seen it during the healing process and was like if that doesn’t get better in a week see a doctor (cause it was scarring over Black). But it did eventually heal so I forgot about it. Well cut to now.. the “scar” area has resurfaced. It’s like a small little red circle .. it gets darker when I’m standing (I assume blood goes into it) and goes away when I press on it.. like the skin gets lighter or blood goes away. It is mostly flat just a little raised like a scar and had a bit of crusty dry skin. I exfoliated tonight and that dry skin went away. I guess I’m very nervous because that spot came back out of no where. It is in a spot where I could’ve bumped into something.. I’m very clumsy .. but I’ve gone down that google rabbit hole and have been freaking out. Anyone know what this could be?? I’m pregnant right now and have been trying to stay good about health anxiety related things but I’m very panicky right now and need sound opinions.

17-01-18, 06:39
Hi, keep and eye on it and mention it to the Dr next time you see her/him. They have a special magnifying glass to look at them and refer you on if necessary.

17-01-18, 09:50
Two years ago I had an actual mole quadruple in size over the period of a month, crust over and then start bleeding constantly. Of course I began thinking the worst and went to see a Dr asap.

Turned out the mole 'was just in a bad mood'. That's what the Dr said to me. A week later it fell off and disappeared.

The moral of the story.......don't worry about it. Go to the Doctor and get it checked out. Worry about it IF you have reason to worry about it. Which you won't.

18-01-18, 05:09
Thank you for the responses. Not sure if it’s my pregnancy emotions but I’ve had a rough day of googling and worrying. I see my nurse tomorrow and I suppose I can ask her then. I guess the fear of her wanting to refer me out for further testing freaks me out even more. I showed pictures to my friend who said it looks like a scar over blood vessels. When I touch it.. it fades. And in the mornings the scar is lighter than during the day. I guess I’m just freaked. That plus the dry skin that formed over it which comes off. Ugh. I should have never googled. I also discovered a small brown dot under my toenail which rationally I know is probably a bruise but now that my brain has clung onto this other fear and I’ve searched through so many pictures and forums I’m scared stiff of that too. Normally writing all this out helps but tonight I am just feeling worse.