View Full Version : worried as i keep getting a pain where my heart is

29-06-07, 13:12
does anyone else experience this.i have a pain just to the left of y chest around my breast bone.its hard to describe but like a shooting pain or like if there is a blockage if you know what i mean.it keeps coming and going.
im sure ive had this before but it doesnt stop me worrying.
any advice please.


29-06-07, 17:58
Hi Bambamers

I do often get a pain like you describe, and its caused by heartburn.

As with all chest pain its always wise to get it checked out, maybe ring the NHS direct Helpline for advice, but i wouldnt worry because its very common.

Hope that helps


30-06-07, 18:22
I get chest pains a lot I had them badly last night I presume it is indigestion and panic seen as I've had 2 ECGs. Try not to worry too much (I know it's fairly impossible). I'm trying rescue remedy today... and indigestion tablets I'll still worry though.

04-07-07, 12:53
I too get chest pain and on off pain in my left shoulder and arm. I've had two ekg's and they found nothing. It causes me great concern. I think it's axiety but sometimes think it's heart attack etc..

04-07-07, 14:21
hey bambers! sounds alot like wat i get, its just heartburn and indigestion! nothin to worry about..hope u feel better soon :hugs:

09-07-07, 00:39
hey I also get the same thing. Sometimes it is also related to swallowing air when we are anxious therefore causing the pain and indigestion-like feeling. When I am very tense I experience this. Try to control your breathing and make sure you are not over breathing. Good luck and take care.

21-07-07, 11:32
Its the number one side effect of anixety.. I found out when I did a questionaire thing. after the answers it told me. I was like :D

I get them on and off now and dont worry about them still have all the other problems tho!!

30-07-07, 11:19
hey i also get this i av alot ov pain in my chest
i also gt pain in my left arm n hand x

after ecgs ive found out its jus anxiety

30-07-07, 21:15
Hi i also get this quite regularly and it happens when i get anxious or upset, as soon as this passes it disappears. I can remember getting this alot but i think when you suffer from anxiety you seem to notice it more.

04-08-07, 18:04
Like everyone else who have replied I also get quite a bit of chest pain. Some is probably from acid reflux but mainly from general chest tension that causes small muscle pulls. They were really worrying to start with but soon realised that if I gently pressed on the spot and it felt sore that it was simply a pulled muscle. Still annoying though.

However if the symptoms are still making you anxious see your doctor to put your mind at ease.