View Full Version : Brain zaps from meds or...?

17-01-18, 08:33
Hi all,

Wasn't sure whether to post on Meds board or here :shrug: but I'm a bit of an HA mess right now so I'll start here :blush:

So I am on about week 2 1/2 on 5mg escitalopram.
Planning on going up to 10mg.

I really like this med, deffs the best for me side effects wise. Been feeling steadily better over the past week, not 100%of course, but the HA chatter wasn't so over bearing and I felt like I was slowly getting a bit of a grip on life again. Ive even managed to walk on my lunch breaks on my own, drive again on my own (a little bit) and get back to the gym yesterday (which I love and haven't been going in ages thanks to HA).

But today I felt super tired suddenly. Like I needed to nap then and there. I was walking to the shop and it was like I just wanted to give up walking, like I would just drop. Not like a fait feeling, this was different. I obviously started panicking about this and then the brain zaps showed up when I got home from work and im back at square one. Its like a quick ZAP that gives me a fright, like an electric shock that sends a rush through my body all the way down to my toes. Freaks me the heck out and I worry they could be mini seizures?

Has anyone else experienced this on these meds. All I can find is stuff from people that are withdrawing, which I am not. Or is it that maybe its not the meds but something else?

Im still waiting on my Nero appointment date (brain tumor/MS fears - go figure) but have had a clear EEG and MRI a couple years ago. Clear eye test yesterday and always perfect bloods etc.

SOOOOO sick of this constant "what if" chatter. And now here I go rambling away on here...sorry guys!! :blush:

Thanks in advance for any replies :D

*edit* - Just moved this here from the Health Anxiety board

17-01-18, 14:43
Look into the side effects online. Also, there's a medication sub forum on here, I'm sure someone has has a similar experience. Anti-Ds can give weird symptoms. For the first month of taking Sertraline when I was on it, I had night sweats, occasional day sweats and complete insomnia. I had to occasionally take a sleeping tablet to get any sleep (this was after a week of no sleeping). Luckily it settled down after a month. Most do.

17-01-18, 20:13
Thanks Poppy,
I did have some insomnia during the first week, and still happens now if I take my pill a bit to late, but seems to be dying down a bit now.

I think I was just feeling so good that when I started getting the brain zaps, I forgot that these meds don't magically fix everything and do take some time to stabilize, just me being impatient I guess :roflmao: