View Full Version : Intrusive thoughts about the past

17-01-18, 09:24
Was wondering if this seems usual in general anxiety, but thought I was getting better, been dealing with anxiety for 6 months solid and was feeling a lot more up beat then wham, hit with a set back. It scared me and I was so disappointed about feeling horrible again. This time though, it hasn't been the physical symptoms, although got some heart palpitations and quick breathing etc, but things on the news etc, bought up memories of an event that happened 25 years ago and for the rest of the day, I was so upset and scared and totally blew them out of all proportion. I spoke to relatives about it and when I spoke to them, realised how much I was catasrophising things and today I feel better, but didn't sleep at all well, but it was so scary and real and was seriously considering trying medication to rid me of this mental torture......

17-01-18, 10:37
Just try and me mindful that thoughts are just thoughts.

You've already realised that you catastrophised them, which is easy to do.

The trick now is to keep telling yourself that, and allowing the negative reaction to pass over the next day or two. Set backs will always happen in recovery, just ride it out and go back to doing what you were doing before to get better.

17-01-18, 12:09
Hi ankietyjoe, I keep telling myself and know deep down I am catatrophising, but then there is this niggly doubt, what if... I have never had this before and it is scary. I hope it does pass soon. I was literally in tears yesterday about it, it felt so real.

17-01-18, 12:15
This is why mantra's are so powerful. There's an assumption that telling yourself 'It'll be ok' is just words, it doesn't mean anything. But it does. Your subconscious (where anxiety comes from) is dumb. It's not a big thinker, but it reacts really fast with a LOT of noise (panic). You have to use mantra's to teach it not to react. Over time it does learn that it doesn't need to worry about those things.

Also, the subconscious has a hard time differentiating between reality and thoughts. If you keep thinking about something negative, that part of your brain thinks 'hang on a minute, this is a real problem'.

Anxiety is one of the few problems in life where the advice 'ignore it and it'll go away' actually works :yesyes: