View Full Version : Anxiety I don’t know what to do

17-01-18, 11:19
Hi there my first time posting and opening up about my anxiety issues. In November I had a panic attack on the way to work possibly at the thought of a long trip I’ve had to take on my own and being away from my girlfriend. Anyway fast forward to Monday and I started to feel anxious again and I had ringing in my ears, now that’s not normally bad but I used to have epilepsy 15 years ago and it left its mental scar on me. So I automatically associate the ringing in my ears with epilepsy so I start to panic which makes the symptoms worse such as a fuzzy head, dizziness, thumping heart. Are these symptoms associated with anxiety?
Evryytime I feel anxious or a panic episode coming on I automatically think I’m starting with epilepsy again even when the doctor has said she doesn’t think it is that. Just that some of the symptoms are similar it’s all I focus on especially because I work on the railway so my job would be at stake. I typically have these mini panic attacks 4 or 5 times a day when I’m not distracted.

17-01-18, 16:11
Hi StokieLee and :welcome: to NMP :) No It's not a pre curser to epilepsy it sounds more like titinus or a build up of excess wax just go and make a appointment with the nurse at you local dr's and they will sort the problem. In a word yes it could be associated with your anxiety so perhaps also discuss this with your dr too. Let us know how you get on ATB

17-01-18, 16:49
Thank you for replying. I’ve been back to the doctors this morning and she said it could be a number of things ranging from being on several airplanes in the last month to not wearing ear protection at work. I guess I only notice it when it’s quiet.
I’m going to have a while off the alcohol and to distract myself at the gym to see if this helps my anxiety, it’s the fuzzy head and the disconnection from myself that truly brings on the panic. I think deep down I know it probably isn’t the epilepsy coming back but in my state I just can’t grasp that and calm myself down.

It feels better to get it off my chest :)

17-01-18, 17:38
Thank you for replying. I’ve been back to the doctors this morning and she said it could be a number of things ranging from being on several airplanes in the last month to not wearing ear protection at work. I guess I only notice it when it’s quiet.
I’m going to have a while off the alcohol and to distract myself at the gym to see if this helps my anxiety, it’s the fuzzy head and the disconnection from myself that truly brings on the panic. I think deep down I know it probably isn’t the epilepsy coming back but in my state I just can’t grasp that and calm myself down.

It feels better to get it off my chest :) Np :)Yes could be any of those things but definitely not epilepsy! That's the beast called anxiety sadly
and that's the thing that needs to be fixed. The gym sounds a great distraction ATB

17-01-18, 18:32
Fingers crossed mate I’ll let you know how I get on in the future.

17-01-18, 18:46
Fingers crossed mate I’ll let you know how I get on in the future.Thx is it ok to send you a pm? ATB

18-01-18, 02:10
Yeah go ahead mate.

18-01-18, 12:49
Oh I forgot to Mention that early on last year my girlfriend split up with me and my mum got diagnosed with cancer all within the same week. I took it all pretty well to be honest. Fast forward to now I’ve got a great girlfriend and my mum is doing ok yet now the anxiety comes :wacko: