View Full Version : Can anxiety be this debilitating?

17-01-18, 11:34
In October my anxiety hit a bad patch. It had been good over the summer then wham October i had some stress in my life and I started having panic attacks. I quickly became bed ridden with it. Everytime I tried to walk around my house I'd feel so ill. I'd feel weak, nausea, feel faint, dizzy, heart racing and I've even checked my bp after walking about and that and my pulse are high. After walking about it takes ages for me to recover, I feel my ears hissing and woozy for a while and it can trigger panic. So I quickly became too afraid to function around my house.

I was having panic that lasted up to 10 hours, one after the other, shaking constantly all day, unable to eat other than oat cakes and bananas, panic hitting doing anything like hair washing, showers, toilet trips, making a drink..... I became so overwhelmed as everything became so hard for me. This lasted all of mid October until mid December. It was HORRIFIC. I'm now left with general anxiety and terrified about every symptom. I spend all day worried. It can trigger panic. But I'm miles better than I was.

Has anyone ever experienced anxiety to make them feel so bad. I'm terrified every day I will faint and my health anxiety is running wild. I feel the worst wife and mother like this, I spend every day crying by myself. I'm so hyper sensitised to every symptom but they're hard to ignore when that bad. After walking around this morning feeling that bad I lay down feeling awful for at least an hour.

Please can anyone reassure me? My hubby and friend say it's all the stress my body has been under for months and deconditioning. Plus they think my symptoms.functioning are anxiety but surely anxiety can't make you feel that bad. I feel so put of puff, weak, drained and teririfed I will faint. It's why I've become adraid to wall around. I daily feel scared, worry, think, text a friend.... I know that's causing me more stress on my body.


17-01-18, 11:45
yep most definitely can....anxiety and panic is an arse.... I am (fingers crossed) just starting to improve from an anxiety relapse where sometimes i couldn't move of the sofa some days as I was just too scared to because of my symptoms

17-01-18, 12:06
100% it can be that powerful.

Your husband is correct about the stress (it happened to me, like a ton of bricks).

It does pass though, it takes a while but it does pass.

What really helped me was mindfulness and meditation. I used to force myself to walk around a bit, slowly. I would tell myself 'this will pass, this will be ok' and eventually it got better.

Stress is savage, it's truly debilitating. So don't beat yourself up too much, just let yourself heal.

17-01-18, 12:38
yep most definitely can....anxiety and panic is an arse.... I am (fingers crossed) just starting to improve from an anxiety relapse where sometimes i couldn't move of the sofa some days as I was just too scared to because of my symptoms

Thank you so much for replying to me, it was a big reassurance.

I just am concerned anxiety can't make you feel so ill walking just around your house. My ears hiss, I feel breathless, heart races, light headed, drained and like I've run a marathon. I take bp after returning to my bed and it s ky high. Which is a bad habit and as my hubby said of course it'll shoot up if you are stressed walking and afraid.*

Hubby thinks my body is still stuck in stress response and why functioning is so hard. I'm just worried sick why I can't function properly. My body feels broken.

Thank you.

---------- Post added at 12:38 ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 ----------

100% it can be that powerful.

Your husband is correct about the stress (it happened to me, like a ton of bricks).

It does pass though, it takes a while but it does pass.

What really helped me was mindfulness and meditation. I used to force myself to walk around a bit, slowly. I would tell myself 'this will pass, this will be ok' and eventually it got better.

Stress is savage, it's truly debilitating. So don't beat yourself up too much, just let yourself heal.

Thank you so much for replying to me, it was a big reassurance.

I've been like this 3 months now, some improvements rs as I said in my post, my hubby says I'm nothing like how I was those crippling 8 weeks when I lay on my bed I a sheer state of panic all day long shaking and constant attacks. I'm not as panicky 24/7 it I daily feel these debilitating symptoms which are making me do less and less hubby cooks, cleans after work. I can't even cook dinner for my family. I feel useless.

I just am concerned anxiety can't make you feel so ill walking just around your house. My ears hiss, I feel breathless, heart races, light headed, drained and like I've run a marathon. I take bp after returning to my bed and it s ky high. Which is a bad habit and as my hubby said of course it'll shoot up if you are stressed walking and afraid.*

Hubby thinks my body is still stuck in stress response and why functioning is so hard. I'm just worried sick why I can't function properly. My body feels broken.

Thank you.

17-01-18, 13:23
Your hubby is 100% correct once again! :)

I learned this the hard way, and it took me nearly two years to get over (watched the misses die/get revived giving birth to our second and then she suffered crushing PTSD after). Stress absolutely destroyed me, but in hindsight a lot of it was how I reacted to it. That's not to say it's our fault, rather it's just that we don't know how to deal with THAT much stress. I would be floored by eating a meal, walking up the stairs, standing up too quickly, coughing, farting, whatever. Everything made my heart bang away.

The absolute best thing you can do right now is find something that you find calming (even in that state of panic/anxiety). For me it was meditation. I had to treat my central nervous system like a frightened child, which is effectively what it is. Some nights I would even talk to it, remind it that everything is safe, that it's ok etc etc. That's just another form of mantra.

It will get better and it will pass.

17-01-18, 13:38
Your hubby is 100% correct once again! :)

I learned this the hard way, and it took me nearly two years to get over (watched the misses die/get revived giving birth to our second and then she suffered crushing PTSD after). Stress absolutely destroyed me, but in hindsight a lot of it was how I reacted to it. That's not to say it's our fault, rather it's just that we don't know how to deal with THAT much stress. I would be floored by eating a meal, walking up the stairs, standing up too quickly, coughing, farting, whatever. Everything made my heart bang away.

The absolute best thing you can do right now is find something that you find calming (even in that state of panic/anxiety). For me it was meditation. I had to treat my central nervous system like a frightened child, which is effectively what it is. Some nights I would even talk to it, remind it that everything is safe, that it's ok etc etc. That's just another form of mantra.

It will get better and it will pass.

Oh I am so sorry. That sounds extremely traumatic and also seeinf your wife with ptsd won't be easy. I have ptsd, my brother attacked me and my mother and sisters cut me off because I refused to forgive him. That was 5 years ago but that is when all the anxiety began. It's come. And gone in severity but it's mainly been general anxiety and agoraphobia. Then the last 3 months I suffered some stress and wham this all hit and I instantly became too ill to walk around my own home.

Just now I went downstairs to make a drink. My heart was racing, I was walking hunched over, breathless and ears hissing. I was terrified. I'm beginning to wonder if this is stress as my chest feels stressed. Now I'm back on my bed I'm having to lie down to let it pass. 8 feel I've run a marathon just for going downstairs for 2 minutes.

I'm now anxious and worried that isn't normal at all.

Thank you for being so reassuring.

17-01-18, 14:39
It's completely 'normal' for your situation.

Eat right, rest, drink water, rest, meditate, rest, get a bit of exercise when you can, rest.


Don't think 'what if it's something else'. That's just another road to more stress.

17-01-18, 15:18
It's completely 'normal' for your situation.

Eat right, rest, drink water, rest, meditate, rest, get a bit of exercise when you can, rest.


Don't think 'what if it's something else'. That's just another road to more stress.

Really? I'm struggling to accept it's normal to be hunched over, breathless, drained, hissing ears and bp shooting up everytime I walk about. It's so worrying and then I spend every day worrying after every toilet trip, or trip downstairs. I thrn lie there thinking why did I feel that bad.

I feel useless, my husband is having to cook after work. He's doing most of the chores as I'm just so so put of use right now. 8 feel a terrible wife and mum.

I'm spending my days resting and just pottering about a little here and there but it s ever getting easier. Eveey day I get the same struggle to function at home. But maybe it's stress because I've noticed although over Christmas I still didn't feel great despite hubby and kids home but I was pottering about a little more. Then since they all went back to work and school last week and I'm back alone I'm struggling worse again with these symptoms when I try to function again home. I've been worrying and thinking daily about my health, worried it's serious etc.. Which I think has just broken me. I feel my body is stressed hence why I feel so ill functioning.

I'm not eating well again where as for the last month I was able to eat again. Prior to that I lived off bananas and oat cakes for a while when anxiety was bad in November. Then my appetite returned a bit for 3 weeks and I was able to eat meals again, even eat chicken and turkey over Christmas. Now I'm back to struggling this last week. So that frightens me I'm losing my appetite again.

Thank you.

17-01-18, 15:53
Nutrition is crucial to recovery. Your body burns through reserves when you're stressed. Combine being stressed, having anxiety, not eating and not sleeping properly and you can easily feel horrendous 24/7.

By all means go to the Doctor and have a check up, just in case you have a vitamin deficiency etc. Just to put your mind at rest. But once they tell you all is good medically, then accept it.

Adrenaline alone can cause most of what you're describing. I remember feeling adrenal for months, and that really makes your heart rate spike at any given opportunity.

I would have days/weeks on end where I literally didn't leave the living room. And more recently I discovered that being sedentary would also make me feel horrendous. Think back to before you had anxiety, if you sat around all day doing nothing, by the end of the day you'd feel all stiff, headachey, and exhausted? That's what we do to ourselves without realising it.

17-01-18, 16:59
Nutrition is crucial to recovery. Your body burns through reserves when you're stressed. Combine being stressed, having anxiety, not eating and not sleeping properly and you can easily feel horrendous 24/7.

By all means go to the Doctor and have a check up, just in case you have a vitamin deficiency etc. Just to put your mind at rest. But once they tell you all is good medically, then accept it.

Adrenaline alone can cause most of what you're describing. I remember feeling adrenal for months, and that really makes your heart rate spike at any given opportunity.

I would have days/weeks on end where I literally didn't leave the living room. And more recently I discovered that being sedentary would also make me feel horrendous. Think back to before you had anxiety, if you sat around all day doing nothing, by the end of the day you'd feel all stiff, headachey, and exhausted? That's what we do to ourselves without realising it.

Thank you.

If I lay still I'm usually OK but I think I've become so deconditioned from resting so much the last 3 months. So I guess it's that on walking about too as my body isn't used to it.

I bet I am deficient in some vitamins definitely. I just lost my appetite and for a while I had severe nausea all the time. I don't now but still no appetite so have to force feed a lot of the time. I'm now eating more but still struggling to eat meat and fruit. I'm taking vitamins though religiously and my iron.

Thank you for helping me today to feel better about this and less alone.


17-01-18, 18:05
Thank you.

If I lay still I'm usually OK but I think I've become so deconditioned from resting so much the last 3 months. So I guess it's that on walking about too as my body isn't used to it.

How many illnesses do you know of that disappear when you lay down?! :winks:

I was EXACTLY the same, for months.

It's stress. You'll be fine, over time. :)

17-01-18, 18:13
I recall a member fro another site that was literally bed bound for months. Every time she would get up, she would get dizzy and nauseous. Nothing "medically" was wrong. Her inability to get out of bed escalated symptoms and she lost weight and muscle strength only adding to her dilemma.

My ex suffered from sever depression which led to hoarding. He inability to take care of herself and the children was a serious issue.

So yes, anxiety and mental illness in general can be debilitating in many ways. I will say that my ex, after many years, finally did seek help. We're in contact as she's the mother of our children and she's doing better.

So take heart, that as hopeless as you may feel know, there is light at the end of the tunnel if you take the steps to help yourself.

Positive thoughts

17-01-18, 18:18
I'm confused :). Is this bonibelle?

17-01-18, 20:01
How many illnesses do you know of that disappear when you lay down?! :winks:

I was EXACTLY the same, for months.

It's stress. You'll be fine, over time. :)

Very true. I do feel bad for a while after walking around, it takes a while to feel less dizzy, less faint and less like I've just run the marathon but once that's calmed I feel fine usually if I lay down or sit very still. It's exertion it all kicks off.

I am so sorry my name changed. I am Bonibelle, I set up a new name ages ago after I lost my log in details (Lepidolite) and have no idea how it logged in on the Bonibelle (as I lost the details and couldn't retrieve them) and it signed in later on the newer name. It was me replying both times lol! Sorry for any confusion.

Thank you for your help.

---------- Post added at 19:59 ---------- Previous post was at 19:58 ----------

I'm confused :). Is this bonibelle?

I am so sorry my name changed. I am Bonibelle, I set up a new name ages ago after I lost my log in details (Lepidolite) and have no idea how it logged in on the Bonibelle (as I lost the details and couldn't retrieve them) and it signed in later on the newer name. It was me replying each time lol! Sorry for any confusion.

---------- Post added at 20:01 ---------- Previous post was at 19:59 ----------

I recall a member fro another site that was literally bed bound for months. Every time she would get up, she would get dizzy and nauseous. Nothing "medically" was wrong. Her inability to get out of bed escalated symptoms and she lost weight and muscle strength only adding to her dilemma.

My ex suffered from sever depression which led to hoarding. He inability to take care of herself and the children was a serious issue.

So yes, anxiety and mental illness in general can be debilitating in many ways. I will say that my ex, after many years, finally did seek help. We're in contact as she's the mother of our children and she's doing better.

So take heart, that as hopeless as you may feel know, there is light at the end of the tunnel if you take the steps to help yourself.

Positive thoughts

Thank you Fishmanpa, reassuring and I am glad your ex managed to get to a better place.

I am lucky my husband is very supportive and our children are all teenagers and been amazing about things.

It has just been very hard for me, because on functioning I just feel so ill walking around.I feel so drained, feel faint, breathless etc.. that it takes a while to do anything and usually after 5 minutes or so I have to take a rest. I just end up so anxious I will collapse. It's crazy how deconditioned I have become and how stressed my body still feels despite all that panic calming. It's left my body in a stressed state I guess and it'll take time to recover from such a bad time with anxiety. It really was the worst setback and I am still struggling in some ways.

Thanks again for your reply.


19-01-18, 17:13
your not alone m8 I panic about almost anything, feel dizzy, nauseous etc have some intrusive thoughts and don't feel like doing anything and thinking about doing anything makes me anxious etc even daily tasks and the thought of thinking.
i would recommend seeking help if you havnt already, i recently got a CAHMS appointment sorted out but have to hold on and wait 2 months you just have to stay strong i am trying to push through it, just 6 months ago i didnt have any worries etc and was one of the most chilled out guys then this hit me.
if you need anyone to talk to you are more than welcome to msg me.
ATB :)

21-01-18, 12:01
YES! Oh my gosh, I could have written that myself. I know it sounds very narrowminded, but sometimes, in the moment (we tend to be narrowminded in the moment, lol) I've felt like my anxiety is the worst anxiety that anyone could ever be going through. I would think "Okay, so I know others get anxiety. I know others get panic attacks. But *I* am getting them when I move! when I walk! When I get a drink! When I brush my teeth! When I do anything!! Nobody could be this bad, surely! Everything is triggering me!" And it was. I was very very sensitised.

And you can absolutely get that sensitised. But thankfully, it is still a passing thing. It can last a while though... long enough to make you feel like it's going to be there forever. It likes to trick you though.

I highly recommend a book called Self Help For Your Nerves by Claire Weekes for sensitisation this bad. She is so amazing in it; she treats you like you are unwell (gently) she is just firm enough to reassure you, with absolute belief that you will get better, and it's like she's right by you, holding your hand through the whole way, saying that you can get through and you WILL get through. It was like a Bible to me for this kind of thing. I really really really can't recommend it enough. It's a very special self help book.

That is me now and has been for the past 3 months,but still go out,starts in the morning when I wake up lightheaded all day,adrenaline releases also,I am thinking no one can feel as bad as I do,i float round the supermarket every day,the floating feeling is the worst,but also have lots of other symptoms,but I have had 2 days in the last week where all the symptoms disappeared,tinnitus is bad every day I say I have had enough of this,but I am still here

22-01-18, 11:15
YES! Oh my gosh, I could have written that myself. I know it sounds very narrowminded, but sometimes, in the moment (we tend to be narrowminded in the moment, lol) I've felt like my anxiety is the worst anxiety that anyone could ever be going through. I would think "Okay, so I know others get anxiety. I know others get panic attacks. But *I* am getting them when I move! when I walk! When I get a drink! When I brush my teeth! When I do anything!! Nobody could be this bad, surely! Everything is triggering me!" And it was. I was very very sensitised.

And you can absolutely get that sensitised. But thankfully, it is still a passing thing. It can last a while though... long enough to make you feel like it's going to be there forever. It likes to trick you though.

I highly recommend a book called Self Help For Your Nerves by Claire Weekes for sensitisation this bad. She is so amazing in it; she treats you like you are unwell (gently) she is just firm enough to reassure you, with absolute belief that you will get better, and it's like she's right by you, holding your hand through the whole way, saying that you can get through and you WILL get through. It was like a Bible to me for this kind of thing. I really really really can't recommend it enough. It's a very special self help book.

Thank you so much for your reply it was a huge comfort to me even though I wouldn't like anyone to suffer the way I do.

I get panic attacks when functioning just around the house, it can be a walk to the bathroom or walk downstairs to make a drink. The reason I panic though it's because I feel so ill functioning. My heart will race, I'll feel breathless, I literally feel hunched over and to Unwell with fatigue to be walking around. This all began since that 3 months of debilitating panic attacks and anxiety that landed me practically bedridden for 10 weeks. So I realise it is likely that my body is quite unfit now and deconditioned but my anxiety is constantly telling me that I'm ill and dying for my body to feel this broken. So I seem to panic when functioning due to how fatigued and broken my body feels can you relate to this?

Claire weekes is excellent and I have her books and audios which I know I should listen to again but I keep worrying this Can't Be anxiety to make my body feel this broken full stop I just have really bad health anxiety ever since this began and I'm always frightened when I walk around and feel so broken. I had a really bad panic attack this morning after going downstairs to make a drink because I just felt too unwell to be walking around.

Thank you

---------- Post added at 11:15 ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 ----------

[QUOTE=Aquilega;1756505]That is me now and has been for the past 3 months,but still go out,starts in the morning when I wake up lightheaded all day,adrenaline releases also,I am thinking no one can feel as bad as I do,i float round the supermarket every day,the floating feeling is the worst,but also have lots of other symptoms,but I have had 2 days in the last week where all the symptoms disappeared,tinnitus is bad every day I say I have had enough of this,but I am still here[/QUOTE

Im glad you can still get out, thats a huge achievement. ]

23-01-18, 16:36
I just wanted to be another voice saying you are not alone! I was bedridden just before Xmas due to panic. I couldn't eat and was terrified of everything. I was hunched in bed, constantly crying and shaking. I felt physically ill with it which made me feel worse! I thought I was the only person to ever feel so bad with anxiety. I thought I was dying or going mad. My doctor soon put me right on that, thankfully.

I am struggling the past week in much the same way except my mum has been forcing me to get out of bed. When I was stuck in bed my brain had less to busy myself with and I felt worse. I took it slowly, eating little bits of anything I could manage, as and when. I also took to just sitting downstairs and that in itself helped as I was out of the room I was worrying in. It helped resemble some sort of normality, even if I wasn't paying much attention to anything. Slowly I felt better though.

As Claire Weekes has already been recommended, I'd like to recommend the book 'DARE' by Barry McDonagh. It's simply written and very kindly worded. It's been a big help and he speaks highly of Claire Weekes. It is like he too, is there with you, supporting you. He's also created a free phone app called 'DARE' which I also recommend. The audio tracks are so reassuring. His voice is so calm and understanding. Please give it a go.

24-01-18, 08:39
Thank you so much for your reply it was a huge comfort to me even though I wouldn't like anyone to suffer the way I do.

I get panic attacks when functioning just around the house, it can be a walk to the bathroom or walk downstairs to make a drink. The reason I panic though it's because I feel so ill functioning. My heart will race, I'll feel breathless, I literally feel hunched over and to Unwell with fatigue to be walking around. This all began since that 3 months of debilitating panic attacks and anxiety that landed me practically bedridden for 10 weeks. So I realise it is likely that my body is quite unfit now and deconditioned but my anxiety is constantly telling me that I'm ill and dying for my body to feel this broken. So I seem to panic when functioning due to how fatigued and broken my body feels can you relate to this?

Claire weekes is excellent and I have her books and audios which I know I should listen to again but I keep worrying this Can't Be anxiety to make my body feel this broken full stop I just have really bad health anxiety ever since this began and I'm always frightened when I walk around and feel so broken. I had a really bad panic attack this morning after going downstairs to make a drink because I just felt too unwell to be walking around.

Thank you

---------- Post added at 11:15 ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 ----------

[QUOTE=Aquilega;1756505]That is me now and has been for the past 3 months,but still go out,starts in the morning when I wake up lightheaded all day,adrenaline releases also,I am thinking no one can feel as bad as I do,i float round the supermarket every day,the floating feeling is the worst,but also have lots of other symptoms,but I have had 2 days in the last week where all the symptoms disappeared,tinnitus is bad every day I say I have had enough of this,but I am still here[/QUOTE

Im glad you can still get out, thats a huge achievement. ]

Hello @Bonnibell I had two good days yesterday and the day before barely no symptoms at all went out and about ,this morning my friend anxiety is back again,The light headiness I can cope with,its the adrenaline surges like a warm eruption in the tummy I find difficult and the nausea,,but I know I am winning and it was nice to see the old me again,enjoy your day my friends:)

26-01-18, 16:16
I just wanted to be another voice saying you are not alone! I was bedridden just before Xmas due to panic. I couldn't eat and was terrified of everything. I was hunched in bed, constantly crying and shaking. I felt physically ill with it which made me feel worse! I thought I was the only person to ever feel so bad with anxiety. I thought I was dying or going mad. My doctor soon put me right on that, thankfully.

I am struggling the past week in much the same way except my mum has been forcing me to get out of bed. When I was stuck in bed my brain had less to busy myself with and I felt worse. I took it slowly, eating little bits of anything I could manage, as and when. I also took to just sitting downstairs and that in itself helped as I was out of the room I was worrying in. It helped resemble some sort of normality, even if I wasn't paying much attention to anything. Slowly I felt better though.

As Claire Weekes has already been recommended, I'd like to recommend the book 'DARE' by Barry McDonagh. It's simply written and very kindly worded. It's been a big help and he speaks highly of Claire Weekes. It is like he too, is there with you, supporting you. He's also created a free phone app called 'DARE' which I also recommend. The audio tracks are so reassuring. His voice is so calm and understanding. Please give it a go.

Thank you so much for your reply. Yes I've read dare in the past and it's a great book, I've also read Claire weeks in the past and she is great. My problem is I can't seem to except that anxiety could be making me feel as poorly as I am now.

I had really severe anxiety from mid October through till mid December. I was spending up to 12 hours a day sometimes longer having panic attack after panic attack, it really was that severe. My husband would leave me at 7 a.m. shaking and he'd return home at 7 p.m. and I'd still be shaking. The days were absolutely horrific they really were a living nightmare. I felt I was climbing the walls with panic, I was barely eating any food and could not come out of my bedroom because the panic I felt just going to the bathroom or downstairs to make a drink was just too much, I felt far too unwell because of the panic. So things became overwhelming and simple things like showering and washing my hair would have me in tears because I could not function at all I was extremely overwhelmed.

Thankfully now all of that has stopped anxiety wise. I have been left more with like a general anxiety and like a bit of a hypervigilance to every bodily sensation. I have stopped having the severe panic attacks for 12 hours a day I now maybe get one a week which to be honest now is just triggered by how poorly I've been left. In the last month since all the panic stopped I've been left extremely fatigued to the point that just 2 minutes on my feet feels like I've run a marathon. I go downstairs to make a drink I can be on my feet for 2 minutes and my heart is racing, i sometimes walk hunched over because my heart races more if a stand straight, I feel breathless and by the time I get back up to my bedroom I have to lie down. I literally feel like I've run around the block when all I've done is go downstairs for 2 minutes to make a quick drink and straight back up to bed. I've continued to keep doing this thinking that maybe I was just unfit from 2 months of anxiety making me bedridden pretty much but there still seems to be no improvement and everyday I find small tasks drain me. This causes me anxiety everyday and my health anxiety is back and it's making me scared that I'm dying of something because surely anxiety cannot make you feel this bad

So that is what I'm struggling with the aftermath which I'm hoping is just an aftermath from those crippling two months of severe anxiety but it's just hard for me to accept that anxiety can make you this breathless and drained. It is definitely causing me health anxiety now and sometimes when I go down to make a drink and I come upstairs and feel like I've run a marathon that can trigger a mild panic attack because I get scared why I feel so bad doing something so simple. Can you relate to this at all? Can anxiety really make you feel this drained? I find it really hard to believe. When I'm lying still on my bed I can feel absolutely fine and not breathless and I feel ok but the minute I walk about my heart races and I feel like I'm running the marathon it's really tough being like this because I am a mum and my husband is having to do all the cooking and cleaning because every time I push myself to fold some washing I end up feeling even worse the longer I'm on my feet and that can trigger panic. Its worrying me so nuch and infeel so alone in this.

Thank you for replying to me.

27-01-18, 18:29
I can relate so much to all of what you've said. I feel exhausted by anything and everything, no matter how small the task. I am glad you aren't feeling constantly panicky. I've had that and it's horrendous. Obviously I'm not a doctor but I would say that yes, anxiety can be the cause of all of this. It took me a long time to realise that but it makes sense. You will be exhausted because of the constant adrenaline. That same adrenaline will be making you feel breathless and making your heart hammer. You aren't hungry because the fight or flight response doesn't need you to be. Honestly, this really sounds like anxiety. I know how awful it is and how hard to believe that it is. It can't hurt you. You are okay.

27-01-18, 19:28
I am amazed just how bad/ill anxiety can make you feel but it can and does so you are not alone. I have been like this for years on and off but am still struggling to cope with it, I have tried CBT,therapy and medication but still it's with me so I just get on with it not much else you can do really.

05-02-18, 13:30
I can relate so much to all of what you've said. I feel exhausted by anything and everything, no matter how small the task. I am glad you aren't feeling constantly panicky. I've had that and it's horrendous. Obviously I'm not a doctor but I would say that yes, anxiety can be the cause of all of this. It took me a long time to realise that but it makes sense. You will be exhausted because of the constant adrenaline. That same adrenaline will be making you feel breathless and making your heart hammer. You aren't hungry because the fight or flight response doesn't need you to be. Honestly, this really sounds like anxiety. I know how awful it is and how hard to believe that it is. It can't hurt you. You are okay.

Thank you.

I still have anxiety but that intense 10 weeks of constant panic all day long has passed. Its just left me with this awful exhausted state my body is in. Just walking downstairs to make a brew then back to my room makes me feel like i went for a run. I get that light headed and heart hammering feeling. I have to lie down and let it pass. I feel I've zero stamina. I guess this is deconditioning also as those 3 bad months of panic i ended up in my bedroom lying down all day terrified to move. Which i guess would make me very unfit. I was ok until those 3 bad months of debilitating anxiety.

Typical I've currently got a flu virus which has floored me even more and has landed me in bed so I'm even more deconditioned now. Just my luck.

---------- Post added at 13:30 ---------- Previous post was at 13:28 ----------

I am amazed just how bad/ill anxiety can make you feel but it can and does so you are not alone. I have been like this for years on and off but am still struggling to cope with it, I have tried CBT,therapy and medication but still it's with me so I just get on with it not much else you can do really.

Thanks. Maca

Can you relate to what i just described to the lady in my reply above? I find it hard to do anything around the house which is making me feel useless to my hubby and children. Its also causing me anxiety worrying its not at all normal.