View Full Version : In pain and needing support

17-01-18, 13:05
Okay, so where do I begin?
I have been having random pains in my left side for a while now (near the rib, on back around left shoulder, and below the breast) and despite being in the emergency room more than once, every time I told them I had pains in the side and chest, doctors and physicians have always told me that heart issues were never the cause- especially at my age, I'm only 22. Sure, I don't exercise as much as I should, but at my age, having some horrible chronic chest issues would be unheard of and everything from the tests seemed to prove that. However, around the end of November of 2017, I was rushed into the ER again for some persistent pain that had lasted me all night, yes, the very same pain in my side.

They checked my heart again and assured me it was nothing, suggesting that perhaps my pains were gastrointestinal and that I'd be better of seeing a GI specialist. I had some really bad acid reflux and heart burn so I deemed it wise that I get checked out.

I go to the specialist and I get the works;blood test, ultrasound, upper endoscopy, and an MRI. The results (that were not really told to me, but I had read through online Patient Portals) revealed this:

-No infection or h. pylori in the stomach, no mention of gastritis
-No intestinal obstructions
-Slight dilation of bile duct.
-Slight rise in white blood cell count (I believe)
-Gallbladder decompressed and not well evaluated, mild gallbladder thickening
-Horshoe kidney and small 13 x 10 x 10 cyst on right mid upper pole of kidney

They have not called me about these results to inform me if theres something wrong or not wrong, if something has to be done. So that has already been one worry on my mind, lots of stress had been built up- I luckily had an appointment set up a month ago for me to see my GI again in a week, so the 24th will hopefully help me talk with him more.

But that's not what brings me here.

In the process of me having all this pain, I have been overusing my left arm (rubbing and massaging at my side was the only relief I could offer myself in the midst of this horrid situation), and because of that, Ive had some bad pain going up and down my left arm and shoulder. But it got so uncomfortable that I was worried that perhaps it was something more. It takes my fingers, my wrist, the bend of my elbow, my shoulder, and my panic started setting in when I felt it take up some of the left breast.
Was on my left side of the breast, the place near the rib again, and it was taking the inner portion of it near the sternum as well as giving me some pain in the nipple. It's sharp and doesn't even hurt all that bad, but it gets my heart racing. Heart problem? Breast problem? Breast cancer?

I went to my physician and he said it was probably all just musculoskeletal, didn't see it as anything torn or injured so he didn't call for an x-rays or ultrasound, just recommended physical therapy. And I went to the physical therapist yesterday and he said it was probably just pain building up in my shoulder and neck. He gave me my exercises and I've been doing them, but I don't know..I feel sore and in pain. And I know it's part of the process, but I still feel so worried whenever I feel those sharp pinches.

I have been in a range of agony for over a month now and it has taken a toll on me emotionally. I had more panic attacks near the end of November and around December than I've had in a lifetime. And now I am just depressed.

I find myself crying and feeling down because it never lets up.

I could really use some supportive words to help me through this, maybe someone who has been through something similar who will let me know that everything is going to be alright- though knowing me I will still have a hard time believing.

It's so hard for me, I'm young, I have the rest of my life ahead of me, but I'm always living in fear. I live with panic and worry and now stress.

I need some support. :'D Send some love to a young gal in pain.

17-01-18, 18:41
I feel your pain. Though mine isn't exactly the same I've been suffering from various pains and cramps for about 6 months. It's hell. I'm only 26 so I know what you mean when you say you've got your whole life ahead of you. I just feel like my body is falling apart as if I'm in my 60s. I have pains in my arm and chest (which I believe to be gastrointestinal). Just reaching towards my toes ehile standing gives me an intense painful stretch in my under arm. Ive had chest xrays which looked fine so ive just been living with chest pain off and on for the last 6 months.

I go through waves of panic and stress think8ng it must be some horrible disease or even something easy to fix that the doctors haven't tested for. But when I'm feeling rational I can convince myself it's nothing. I myself am thinking about therapy because although I do feel great sometimes like I'm about to completely recover, I always fall back down into this mild depression from worrying constantly. Anyways, i hope this helps cheer you up a bit. There is no end to the symptoms your own brain can manifest it seems. All the best to you, i hope you feel better!