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View Full Version : Some advice needed

17-01-18, 14:39
Hi guys, I have GAD and have had it for many years. I used to combat it by drinking, but that didn't solve the problem, it almost turned me into an alcoholic.

So over the last couple of years, I was on Citalaprom which was doing ok, until I started having problems sleeping. My doctor changed my meds to one which was supposed to help me sleep,(I have forgotten the name), but it just made the problem worse. He has now put me on Paroxetine 10mg, I have been on them 7 days now and am sleeping like a log! However I am experiencing side effects, light headed, hunger pangs,(I think) and occasional palpitations.

I just wondered if any of you know how long these side effects will last, and if they will go away completely! Thanks.

17-01-18, 15:37
Everyone reacts differently to medication, but one thing I always remember is that when starting a new medication....the side effects come first, the therapeutic effects come later after the medication has settled in your system.
Side effects normally lessen after being on the medication for a while as well, but they might not go completely....again depends on you and the medication.
Best thing to do is talk to the doctor and let them know what is going on. Be patient, and remember these symptoms are side effects and should pass.

I hope things start looking up for you soon

18-01-18, 05:24
Hi Rugger, it is better to share these problems with your doctor. I think these symptoms are temporary and it will change accordingly.

21-01-18, 21:42
I've recently changed my medication and my doctor told me to stick it out for 2 to 4 weeks as that's how long side effects normally last before dying down. I'm sure its different from person to person, but if they persist you should probably go back to your doctor.