View Full Version : My journey downhill

17-01-18, 17:39
Hi all, hope everyone is doing well and working towards healthier body and minds. Just gonna do a little venting here and would be happy to hear anyone else's opinion on my thoughts.

About 2 years ago I became sensitive to the sun. It took a lot of experimenting and 3 different doctors to find out it was polymorphic light eruption. It sucks. Anyways, I've always had a bit of health anxiety but from that moment it's just been a constant struggle. I haven't had a ton of tests done by doctors and I try to trust them when they say I'm healthy, but it just seems like my body is telling me something is wrong. As soon as I get over one symptom or worry, something else just takes over. I haven't felt truly healthy since before the sun allergy.

I keep latching on to ideas like I have some underlying infection or virus that is causing all my aches and pains. Maybe I don't deal with emotions properly and my unconscious mind is wreaking havoc on my body. Or maybe my job is just too stressful. And then theres the big C thought in the back of my mind. Right now I have all the symptoms of hiatal hernia. Before that, sleep apnea (symptoms haven't even gone away). Before that, a lot of joint pain in my knee and elbow (my back is still cracking and aching every day). I try to just tell myself im fine and move on, but it's hard to be happy when my body feels like it's falling apart and I'm only 26... especially since I can't really complain about it without people rolling their eyes.

Should I be more upfront with my doctor and demand more tests to be done? Will that help? I've had blood/urine tests and chest xrays in the last 2 years and that's about it. He said he would refer me for a sleep apnea test but haven't heard back yet and it's been 5 days. I live in Canada so medical bills are non existent, but I don't want to take advantage of the system if there's nothing wrong with me.

Any advice is appreciated, thanks for reading!

17-01-18, 19:58
Hi there,

That ms quite a lot to take in :-) but I think you should first ask to see a CBT therapist or psychologist and then see how you feel after you can deal with it mentally. You have acknowledged that you have a health anxiety, this would be my advice.