View Full Version : Affirmations, and magically thinking ocd

17-01-18, 19:23
I've been started to listen to videos of affirmations and subliminal messages for my OCD and anxiety. I'm desperate for some kind of relief but I'm also scared of this type of thing. In the subliminal messages I'm scared of what video Is right all saying since its subconscious. I have a really bad magical thinking and I worry listening to affirmations means that words and thoughts could change life which is good except I worry if my mind makes up thought and worries about bad things like diseases and dying. Anyone have an opinion on this?


25-01-18, 06:13
Perhaps one way to think of this is how difficult is it to reprogram your brain. Take anxiety as an example, how hard is it for us to go through changing how we think. If that could be changed so easily, it would be the magic pill for us all.

Affirmations help you think more positively. That's a good thing. But underneath all of this and your anxiety you also have deep beliefs, morals, etc and these are very hard to change. People with personality disorders go through tons of therapy to try to adjust these identity related beliefs.