View Full Version : Liver enzymes

17-01-18, 20:00
Sat here an could cry....
Last year after some routine blood tests I was told I had severe derangement in my liver function/enzymes. Following day more bloods/ultrasound... all normal. Then I was sent to see the liver specialist.
This led to more bloods... I was told normal an likely viral! Massive relief!!!!

Back in November I had a well woman screen with my partners company- this included bloods... surprise surprise my liver function raised...not massively hit enough. I have researched an spoke with colleagues an told probably fatty liver- although nothing detected on ultrasound.
I am a few stone overweight. Drink a few glasses of wine at the weeks , low cholesterol, diet very good... an take 10-20mg of citalopram why me???
I now have to have these repeated with GP tomorrow...

The last week I have barely ate with worry, struggling to sleep thinking I have cihirosis...today all I have done is itch ( is this my liver, nerves or the fact I am barely taking my citalopram an having withdrawals).

So scared, so scared I am gonna leave my daughter 😢

17-01-18, 20:35
I am sorry you are going through this.. I also just went through a full liver work up, all but a biopsy. My enzymes were only elevated once but going by skin symptoms the gastro my doctor sent me to thought I could very well have cirrhosis as all my skin symptoms are seen in people with end stage liver disease... Thankfully according to the work up I had done, I do not have cirrhosis. I do have an enlarged and fatty liver. These findings wouldn't cause my symptoms though, so I am still trying to figure all that out. I know what you are going though as I did and still do fear something is wrong with me and I am gonna leave my kids alone in the world, I just now know that whatever it is, its likely not my liver.

Anyways, if your ultrasound was clear, do not worry about cirrhosis. There are all kinds of reasons for elevated liver enzymes and if the cause was cirrhosis there would be symptoms of some sort.

17-01-18, 20:38
Thanks so much for your reply, it’s nice to talk to someone as I don’t have anyone anymore ( lost mum 13 months ago). I have a great network of friend non of whom know my anxieties/worries or history. They are the type of friend who would tell me to man stop being silly.

What symptoms have you had?xxx

17-01-18, 21:05
I deff know how that feels.. I am in the same boat friend wise and at times I feel very alone because of it...

My skin symptoms started around April of this passed year. Spider Nevu, Palmer Erythmea on both palms, Thread Veins and lots of small broken ones and increasing translucent skin. Its like the color is gone in certain areas of my skin and you can see straight through. I have never been able to see most of my veins until these last few months. They are showing through everywhere, so much so that its starting to look like I have a road map under my skin. I also am starting to get stretch marks in odd places, real big ones and I haven't gained any weight so I am not sure if thats somehow related to everything else but its something I noticed recently. I have also been getting dizzy spells since March, very brief, not room spin dizzy but like I am going to pass out.

17-01-18, 21:14
Hi I too had elevated liver enzymes. had ultrasound and was diagnosed with a fatty liver,. I had to have bloods repeated each month and levels of this particular enzyme went up and down. Sent my HA into orbit but am now calmer.

Itching could very well be your HA. As soon as I know a symptom I can almost make myself experience it!

17-01-18, 21:21
Thanks both!

Careful1- that is scary, glad you had the all clear
Yes Susie likely is my health anxiety, more bloods tomorrow so we shall see.

Ahhh I hate feeling like this ��

17-01-18, 21:30
Thanks both!

Careful1- that is scary, glad you had the all clear
Yes Susie likely is my health anxiety, more bloods tomorrow so we shall see.

Ahhh I hate feeling like this ��

For sure, glad I got the all clear on my liver but I am still left to wonder what is happening to my body and I am more scared now then I was then honestly... I suffered health anxiety for many years, got it under control and went 7 years without it...Suddenly this comes along and the anxiety has found its way back into my life. I cant eat, I cant sleep etc I try not to worry but its becoming increasingly hard not to.

18-01-18, 08:21
Snap! Mine went an now returned with this!!