View Full Version : Flu and Sepsis Fears

17-01-18, 21:55
My roommate was diagnosed, unfortunately, diagnosed with the flu today. She wasn't feeling too bad the past few days, though, so we hung out quite a bit. Now, with my HA and our frequent interactions/shared space, I'm horrified that I have the flu now! I went to the doctor today and, after a flu test, I was told I don't have it; but he mentioned that it might be too early to tell. Now, I'm not feeling terrible but after reading the news about tragic, young deaths, I'm terrified that I'm going to die after I (feels like inevitably) get it!!

Right now, I just have a headache, body ache, fatigue, some difficulty breathing (anxiety?), and some pain in my back/lungs. Today, the doctor listened to my lungs / did an exam and said I look healthy, but I'm still terrified! I'm scared afraid that he missed something and that I've skipped the flu and gone straight to pneumonia and/or sepsis because of my strained breathing and back pain. I just need some reassurance that I'm going to be okay through the night so that I can make it to another doctor's office tomorrow. :(

17-01-18, 22:04
Ok try to look at this rationally.

You're worried about a rare complication of the flu, pneumonia, when it's been confirmed you don't have flu and don't have symptoms of flu.

Why can't it just be a case of your immune system being really good? Why are you worried about being healthy and taking that as a sign of the virus somehow giving you pneumonia without giving you the flu first which is impossible?

It's good to challenge your own thoughts when you have anxiety, don't take the first one that comes into your head and let it run away with you.

If your breathing issues are being caused by anything it's the anxiety, not pneumonia.


Also any pneumonia would be easily discovered not just in your examination but also in the way you present to the doctor.

17-01-18, 22:10
If you had pneumonia you would probably know. And your doctor would know. I had pneumonia when I was younger, and I literally couldn’t stop coughing. Thankfully my doctor gave me medicine, and I eventually felt better.

Trust your doctor.

17-01-18, 22:40
Get some tamiflu for prevention. A doctor will prescribe it if you live with someone who has the flu

18-01-18, 06:23
I have the same fears right now. My son had the flu Wed-Sat. And now I think I'm coming down with it. I feel I'm breathing ok, my fever only reaches about 99.8 but I'm a normal 97.5 so I think its high. My bigger fear is the pain in my shoulders and hips.
I didn't go to the doctor because they usually just look at me like I'm nuts anyway. Which sometimes they are right. But every urge in me wants to go and say look for sepsis. How crazy would that be? I be only been down for about 2 days, but when everyone's dying in 6 is 3 too long?

I know this isn't helpful to you, but I just want you to know your fear is not something you have alone. That helps me a lot of times.:scared15:

18-01-18, 07:24
Your chest would certainly be wheezing like a crumpled accordion and you'd be rattling when breathing, I had a very bad encounter with flu at the end of last year, I too believed I was developing pneumonia as I could barely get a breath out sometimes and I had high pulse, 8/10 painful sore throat, barely ate anything, I am not dead yet nor did I develop anything worse, though I have bad anxiety about feeling phlegm at the bottom of my throat since but that has taken on a tumour fear instead of pneumonia/bronchitis haha. If you start wheezing pretty bad, see what the doc thinks, wheezing is just part of the flu and the vast majority of people with decent immune systems will eventually get over it, even if you barely eat like I did! You can't just skip it and end up with pneumonia, there'd be an in between slide where your symptoms get progressively harsher, chest infections are common, it's not often one develops pneumonia from flu, it does happen so it's wise to monitor how long things persist and how invasive things feel and whether you're improving over a week. I hope you are keeping warm and resting and eating and drinking as much as possible and have a comfortable place to hole up in.

Chris 614
18-01-18, 07:32
I just want to say that not everyone is dying. The news only reports the bad stuff! Ugh!! I know it's scary and we take our fear to a whole other level. Last year my mom got the flu, then pneumonia and sepsis. At the time she was 82. She made it through just fine. My mom is immobile and has Parkinson's, so when she gets sick it hits her hard. It was very obvious when my mom got sick.

Try to calm down. I know it's hard.

18-01-18, 17:21
You are not alone. I fear the flu big time. But I agree you can't skip the flu and go to sepsis. As hard as it is, stop watching the news and reading about flu news stories. I'm guilty of it too.

18-01-18, 18:14
Haha, OK, it is just too funny that I come here looking for other people worried about flu (since it's all over the news right now) and it's the first topic!

I actually currently have the flu for what I think is my second time ever, and its awful. I got chills, fever, and muscle aches on Monday morning, then added on all sorts of cold symptoms and coughing and stayed that way pretty much through yesterday. I think my fever is finally gone, but I still have the cough and cold symptoms. Yesterday I thought it might be moving down into my chest (I'm prone to bronchitis after colds), so I'm watching for that.

I've never had pneumonia before, but my mom has lots of times. I'm pretty sure it's more likely in someone who has a weakened immune system and/or exposed to the nasty bugs that might cause it when you're in a weakened state.

I'm staying home and isolating myself until I feel at least 90% better. Probably on Monday which would be a week after all this started.

I think a lot of problems are also caused when people jump back into their normal routine without giving themselves time to fully recover. I've heard it can take 1-2 weeks to be 100%. :(

Chris 614
18-01-18, 19:59
Not sure if this will help, but I just read that between 5-20% of people in the U.S. Will get the flu...according to webmd. That made me feel better. The news makes it seem like we are one germ away from getting it! Like it's inevitable. But, between 80-95% of people won't get it! There is some comfort in that.

18-01-18, 23:08
There is a vaccine for some types of pneumonia if you are really worried. You can get it free if in a vulnerable group and pay for it privately if not.