View Full Version : Anxiety causeing weird tastes in mouth?

18-01-18, 06:22
I having a panic attack right now and at random I just taste really weird things for a second. I have food poisoning right now from eggs that where left out and I just keep tasting thing : like sand, baby food, strawberries, cardboard. its random things. Is this normal? is brand new. Im really scared. I have a burning chest from i think food poisoning. I feel like i cant breath I'm just freaking out has anyone else ahd this? My stomach is on fire. And my skin feels on fire to and dry. I have been really dehydrated lately Im trying to drink more water but its hard. Has anyone experienced this??? Scared Im gonna have a sensory seziure or a sezure in general

18-01-18, 06:28
Is it normal? No, however; sounds like reflux or acid related as you mention burning. I get reflux but without the burning and food contents from the stomach can raise into the throat and mouth area.