View Full Version : Update and moan

18-01-18, 08:57
So I'm currently 10 days overdue with my first baby! Shes well as truly set up camp in there, because they think she's a large baby they are inducing me on Saturday.
My anxiety is through the roof! Everything i had wanted is now not possible, I wanted to avoid as much interventions as possible, now I am so scared of it all going so wrong.

The fact that she's so big has me freaked out anyway but hearing how inductions are much more painful and more likely to end in a c section is really worrying me. I hardly sleep anyway because I'm so big I can't lie down without pain, but now my mind is constantly racing and I'm ashamed to say that I just can't imagine bringing her home.. I've felt that way for a while but more so now it's closer, I look at her stuff in her room and feel sad instead of happy, I look at her pram and feel sad that I won't get to use it, is this normal or depression?

I understand most might not be able to help with this but just to have people to off load to is a big help xx

18-01-18, 09:53
Katie, even if you end up being induced on Saturday you will still be bringing your baby girl home and using all your new stuff and equipment! It just seems unimaginable at the moment because you wonder how on earth you will be able to get her out safely and your plans have been scuppered as to how her birth would go etc etc...You quite naturally are really anxious because you have never given birth before. Even if you have to be induced you will be very closely monitored and can have all the pain relief you need. You will only have a C-section if it's clinically necessary.

Your baby will be born very soon now.The wait is nearly over. Labour is tough but the prize is so worth it and you WILL be bringing your baby home. Doubts and fears are crowding in because you are just waiting and time hangs heavy but you do need to rest because labour means just that and you will find that strength to give your baby life.

I probably haven't helped but just wanted to wish you well and I'll be looking out for the happy announcement! xx

18-01-18, 10:23
Katie, even if you end up being induced on Saturday you will still be bringing your baby girl home and using all your new stuff and equipment! It just seems unimaginable at the moment because you wonder how on earth you will be able to get her out safely and your plans have been scuppered as to how her birth would go etc etc...You quite naturally are really anxious because you have never given birth before. Even if you have to be induced you will be very closely monitored and can have all the pain relief you need. You will only have a C-section if it's clinically necessary.

Your baby will be born very soon now.The wait is nearly over. Labour is tough but the prize is so worth it and you WILL be bringing your baby home. Doubts and fears are crowding in because you are just waiting and time hangs heavy but you do need to rest because labour means just that and you will find that strength to give your baby life.

I probably haven't helped but just wanted to wish you well and I'll be looking out for the happy announcement! xx

Thanks Pulisa it does help to be reassured and i know that I am over thinking every little thing just because it means so much and I've never been good at handling things that are out of my control, because I have no idea how it will go i'm automatically thinking the worst. I need to try and focus and the good and the end result being meeting our baby girl xx

18-01-18, 12:46
I hope you go into labour before Saturday so won't need to be induced but first babies seem to be reluctant to move sometimes...At least you have a limit now to the pregnancy and can look forward to meeting your beautiful baby in the next few days..Who knows, you could go into labour this afternoon!!

Wishing you all the very best and please let us all know how you are doing?

19-01-18, 01:20
Oh my goodness, I was wondering if you had given birth yet. You know, regardless of if you are induced or have a c section or natural birth, in the end you will be over the moon with your little girl. I know how you feel though. I can't imagine being 10 days overdue! I'm almost 34 weeks and I'm exhausted! You are a superhero!

20-01-18, 13:54
I'm sure you are otherwise "occupied" KatiePink but just wanted to say I hope it really is D day today and that you'll soon be meeting your baby girl!xx

20-01-18, 14:30
Not caught up properly with this but just noticed it's the big day and wanted to wish you all the best. I'm sure all the advice above is way beyond me anyway.

You'll be bringing your new baby home very soon. :flowers:

20-01-18, 15:36
Good luck, Katie!! You've got this! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

27-01-18, 02:18
Hope you are doing well ... send us an update when you get a chance :)

27-01-18, 19:05
Sorry for the late update, but so happy to say our beautiful baby girl was born 22/01/18 weighing a healthy 7lbs11 and as healthy as can be, we are so in love with her and feel so blessed!

The induction failed and it was a long horrible time that I won't go into details but eventually baby was born by c section and is doing great!
I have been really unwell as my iron levels dropped dangerously low, I have managed to avoid a blood transfusion with taking iron tablets and eating as much iron rich foods as possible, recovery is hard, everything that happened was so unexpected and not being able look after baby as I should has been difficult, but slowly we are getting there! X

27-01-18, 20:20
Congratulations on your new daughter!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs: You made it through! C section is a major surgery so you need to allow yourself to heal and recover. Baby will be just fine. I hope you have some help at home.

I'm so happy for you :)

27-01-18, 20:34
Congratulations Katie! You've obviously been through the mill but sometimes things don't go to plan. The main thing is that you're both safe and sound and your beautiful daughter is finally here! I've had 2 C-sections and it's hard to recover and look after a newborn when the most you are meant to lift is a teapot! Take things slowly and concentrate on your baby making sure you rest when she does!

Am so pleased to hear your news!:)

27-01-18, 21:19
Congratulations!!! :):):)

27-01-18, 21:55
Thanks everyone, her daddy has been great looking after us both I don't know what I would have done without him!
She really is a dream :D

27-01-18, 22:34
Congratulations! :hugs:

Glad you are being looked after :)

28-01-18, 05:57
Brilliant news!!! :yesyes::yahoo: (obviously not the C section!)

Like everyone is saying, it's a major op and it's going to knock you for six let alone how pregnancy & giving birth must do that to any woman. It's rest up time and dad running around after his two best girls time! :yesyes:

I'm glad to hear he is also taking to his new responsibilities after that major wobble he had.

:flowers: for mini Katie!

28-01-18, 07:03
Thankyou Terry! He's absolutely brilliant with her and they have developed such a good bond already, it really melts my heart.

It's been a tough tough time and I have been struggling with feeling like a let down(c section) baby is very mucusy because of this, not being able to get up to change her feed her all the time has left me feeling a bit useless, the pain is bad but I think I pushed myself too soon, up and about 12 hours after the op! Time to rest and build up my strength but it's difficult when all you want to do is be a mummy :huh:

28-01-18, 08:50
I think you can be forgiven a few weeks* of rest, you've got about 50 years of hard work ahead of you now! :winks:

Anyway, just being there, holding her and doing what you can will be enough until you are ready. Your bloke will be glad of the support once you are I'll bet but he will want you happy & healthy.

* Just to point out I have no idea how long it takes to recover from a C section and initially put a few days but then thought I might get my arse kicked for being a slave driver :sofa::roflmao:

28-01-18, 09:13
Ahh Terry I'm very glad you changed it!! :scared15:

Time to get off the pity potty I suppose and get myself better, mentally and physically, babies are sure demanding, adorable but diva's! :roflmao:

28-01-18, 13:58
I found the pain was worse if I sat for too long-for me keeping moving stopped me from seizing up and helped me to straighten up. Abdo surgery is horrible though-getting out of bed was a nightmare in terms of pain!
Make the most of whatever help you can get is my advice!

28-01-18, 15:36
Massive congratulations! :hugs:

28-01-18, 15:45
Congratulations Katie. WELL DONE.:) Take care xxx

28-01-18, 17:28
Thank You Vicky & Magic :hugs:

Yes Pulisa getting in & out of bed is by far the hardest! So much pain, and you just don't realise how much you use your stomach muscles to do simple tasks!
Also, needing to cough/sneeze.. oh dear :scared15:

28-01-18, 18:12
It makes you realise just what you took for granted before surgery! All in a very good cause though, of course!