View Full Version : New Job

18-01-18, 13:44
Hi Everyone

I have had anxiety and obsessive worrying for a few years now but not on any medication and its generally ok.

However i have started a new job last Monday and i cannot eat or sleep since. My mind is in a fog and i feel sick and cannot eat. I left a nice job in a real nice office where i had lots of friends, i left because i thought i was bored. It was a big office with lots of people.

Now i am working in a very small office with 6 people and i am finding it very difficult. 5 of the people are very nice but 1 is a problem, she is moody and very vindictive and has caused issues for the other employees. It seems at this stage that HR are aware of her issues and they dont take any notice so it shouldnt be a problem for me but my head is spinning

I got a big pay rise to take this new job but now i just want to go back to what i already know. I am in a constant state of panic and feel i have made a huge mistake.

I sometimes worry that i wont be able for this new job, then i worry that i will be bored of the job in 6 months. I worry that i will lose my skills in this new job and my career will suffer and i will never again get a job with a good salary. I had a good salary in my past job and just want to go back to that security.

Im just depressed the whole time. I feel like i have made a horrible horrible mistake. My wife just says give it a few months and then look around for a new job if i still dont like it but i just cant see past today, not to mind a few months.

Why cant i be a normal person and not freak out and just say that i am here for 2 years and can re-evaluate then and that all experience is good experience. Why cant i just say i will stick this for a while and then take some time off my career if i need to. we are in a good position financially so even if i was fired we would be ok for a while

Now im thinking of a career change, take a job with less money etc etc just to try and fix how i feel

Please help