View Full Version : Hello and Symptoms

18-01-18, 19:53
Hello, I have been lurking on nomorepanic for a couple months as I try to come to terms with my anxiety and anxiety symptoms. About three months ago I had a health scare that catalyzed severe anxiety. Basically for a few minutes I had a sudden onset of stuttered speech, felt dazed, and had tingling in my hands. After a visit to the ER (I feared it was a TIA or seizure) and many doctors visits, two neurologists told me the initial episode was likely a panic attack or migraine!

Since that day I have had many strange (to me) symptoms and many medical tests including a brain MRI, EKG, EEG, blood and urine tests, thyroid, diabetes, Lyme, cholesterol, and many doctors listening to my heart, and checking pulse blood pressure etc. I am female mid 20s and no family or personal medical history of note. Never had problems with anxiety before! And I always have exercised and had a healthy diet and low stress life.

I am currently fixated on my heart due to frequent chest pain (docs say it's anxiety) and I also have a tightness and ache in the left side of my neck under my ear. I am currently seeing a counselor, trying to exercise, and trying mediation. I don't want to keep bothering the doctors for more tests as I think that will just continue the spiral of health anxiety... but I'm so tempted to ask for more.

The many symptoms I've had include:

Chest pain including pressure, aching, tightness, shooting pains on the left side, burning in center, constantly feel my pulse
Headaches around temples (infrequent), one ice pick headache on left side
Tight neck and aching neck especially on left side, left side ear congestion
Blurred vision
Insomnia and trouble staying asleep
Loss of appetite (dropped 8 lbs to 116) nausea (have thrown up a few times after trying to eat)
Frequent urination and fast digestion
Constricted throat
Aches pains twitches all over my body, trembling especially hands
Strange feelings in tongue and bad taste in back of throat
Jaw pain and tightness
Feelings like my hands feet and scalp are being stuck with pins
Heavy arms, weak feeling arms
Exhaustion, trouble focusing
Rapid heartbeat at times (at rest down to 62-72 but easily jumps up)
Racing thoughts and constant worry, catastrophic thoughts, crying easily

I am here like so many others looking for reassurance and perhaps some tips for recovery, I just want my normal life back and to stop being a burden to my loving partner and family as I struggle to not fall apart on a daily basis. It has been so hard, and I struggle to believe I am healthy.


18-01-18, 19:59
Hi Irene

Have a read of the website articles on here - there may be something of use for you in there as well as here.

18-01-18, 20:04
Thank you Nicola, I have read many of the articles and they are helpful!

19-01-18, 02:06
Yes I have had many of your symptoms! I have found cutting sugar and caffeine AND running 30 mins a day makes me feel NORMAL. It took about 1 week of consistent jogging to feel good again and now I've injured my knees so am waiting on that to recover before starting again. Right now I have an odd feeling in my head thatbim certain is anxiety related too. Basically alter your diet and really exercise - for me that has helped!

11-05-18, 18:06
Thank you! In the last few months Ive worked hard to exercise, meditate, do creative activities, and try to get past the anxiety. A lot of the symptoms have disappeared or are less frequent. Still struggling with morning nausea and fearful thoughts/catastrophizing. This has been such a long process and can get quite exhausting and frustrating. Fortunately there has been no repeat of the original episode. The sunlight and getting outdoors to exercise has also helped a lot.

11-05-18, 22:38
I am right there with you, IreneRumi. Not a fun club to be in, but at least there are other members :)

I also exercise, meditate, do art, and take care of myself. I also go to therapy. But this particular episode seems to have a mind of its own. I just went to the doctor to get meds yesterday, and I have to say, I feel great about it. One of them helped me get 8 hours of sleep last night, which hasn't happened in months. I feel like a brand new person today. A long way to go, yes, but there's relief in sight.

Hope it's on the way for you, too!

13-05-18, 20:20
The neck thing I get all the time as it is where I carry tension - a lot of the symptoms you have are very typical anxiety ones - try & keep busy & KEEP AWAY FROM DR GOOGLE!!! Hang in there it will get easier x

14-05-18, 15:43
Thanks for your responses! It does help. I definitely carry my tension in my neck and shoulders, which can lead to headaches too. Every day is a new day though and I'm making progress!