View Full Version : Stomach cancer? (warning may trigger)

18-01-18, 21:11
Hi everyone

Health anxiety has not been good recently.

The next paragraph may trigger I was triggered last week in work because I was dispensing medication for a patient with Glioblastoma (my ultimate health anxiety fear). Their presenting complaints were headaches and complex partial seizures.

Anyway, as some of you may remember, I ended up in A&E on Saturday night as per my GP re: chest pain. Turned out it was most likely muscular but my CRP was raised, indicating inflammation or infection.

Now, this is why I worry about stomach cancer: GORD has run in my dads side of the family; all my uncles and granddad were on antacids. But my GORD has been a bit worse recently, and I had to swtich PPI's.

A Locum doctor said: "if these don't work we'll need to look into this a bit more to make sure there isn't anything sinister going on" (that triggered me).

My main symptom is worseing GORD and loss of appetite. I noticed my appetite diminished when taking abx for a chest infection and when I was ill. I still don't feel 100% and my appetite isn't 100% either... No weight loss though. The abx finished 3 weeks ago and this cold has been going on 5 weeks, with a relapse last week.

It's a 1 in 1,000,000 (literally, according to Cancer Research Statistics UK) that I have stomach cancer at 24... I had the camera down 3 years ago, so I doubt cancer could have started in that time...

Just looking for reassurance, I suppose re: loss of appetite etc.

18-01-18, 21:17
if you are not losing weight I imagine your appetite is perfect !

18-01-18, 21:19
You've answered your own questions. Raised CRPs = cold/flu

Loss of appetite = anxiety

18-01-18, 21:25
I had the camera down 3 years ago

Can I ask why? If it was more of the same as now you know it's nothing to worry about as it was check out then; if it was a totally separate health scare it may explain why your brain is latching onto your "symptoms" as something to be alarmed about and dwell on.

19-01-18, 00:39
Hi everyone

Health anxiety has not been good recently.

The next paragraph may trigger
It's a 1 in 1,000,000 (literally, according to Cancer Research Statistics UK) that I have stomach cancer at 24... I had the camera down 3 years ago, so I doubt cancer could have started in that time...

Just looking for reassurance, I suppose re: loss of appetite etc.

Yes, you are right, stomach cancer takes longer than that to develop (it's slow growing). When you had the scope they would have tested for H-Pylori which can be a precursor to stomach cancer, and they didn't report that.

Yes again, 24 is way too young to develop stomach cancer. You don't have it. :)