View Full Version : quit tobacco again and this is horrible

18-01-18, 21:39
I am a long time sufferer of HA and a long time heavy tobacco user. I have quit a few times over the years for a few weeks here and there but I always end up back and using heavier than before. I quit again about 4 weeks ago after a scare with some lab tests. While the cravings have declined, my anxiety has been horrible. My usually good blood pressure is very high, feeling short of breath, chest pains and generally just wound way too tight. I keep telling myself that this is going to be better but man I am just barely holding it together. Thanks for listening.


19-01-18, 02:37
Stick it out — I know how bad it sucks from personal experience!!! But it will get better. If you’re four weeks in already you’re almost past the worst of it!!! You’ll start feeling better in no time! Do you have any hobbies? Or anything you enjoy doing that would offer distractions? That was key for me, not to let myself get bored. Unfortunately I started again after 6 months being quit. Stupid. :doh:

19-01-18, 08:15
I am a long time sufferer of HA and a long time heavy tobacco user. I have quit a few times over the years for a few weeks here and there but I always end up back and using heavier than before. I quit again about 4 weeks ago after a scare with some lab tests. While the cravings have declined, my anxiety has been horrible. My usually good blood pressure is very high, feeling short of breath, chest pains and generally just wound way too tight. I keep telling myself that this is going to be better but man I am just barely holding it together. Thanks for listening.


The symptoms of nicotine withdrawl can be well alleviated somehow!

This can be done by improving your diet, by refloxology massage and by moderate physical exercise!


- daily natural juice:
300 ml carrot juice, 100 ml beet root, 100 ml cumber
- bee polen 1 tablespoon in the morning, mixed with raw honey!

For best benefit, you should drink the juice before 11 a.m., for best absorption and best results!

Bee polen aswell, should be taken in the morning!

Heavy foods should be avoided: like junk food, spices, "heavy" meat like pork, beef!

There is a lot to say about diet! And a good designed diet will improve not only the nicotine withdrawl, but will alleviate anxiety/depresion symptoms aswell, with a great impact on overall health!

As for the reflexology massage, you should do it twice a day, one time in the morning, and one time in the evening! You should massage lymphatic points for 3 minutes each, and the endocrin glans reflexes: pituitary, pineal, tyroid, adrenals!

Physical exercise: 30 minutes of jogging would be a good start! It starts the detox mechanism, moving the lymph, and though, cleaning the blood!

These are a few general guide lines! There's a lot to say about improving withdrawl symptoms! And of course, it takes some discipline!

Hope I could help! Good luck!

19-01-18, 12:09
Well, thanks for the advice. I am feeling a bit short of breath again right now but we will see how day 28 goes.


21-01-18, 18:46
Up to day 29. Still having all kinds of chest tightness and breathlessness but hoping for a better day 30 tomorrow.

23-01-18, 14:43
Working on day 32, still breathless but still not using tobacco.

13-02-18, 22:31
Day 53 and still going!

13-02-18, 23:30
Day 53 and still going!

:yesyes: Good job! You're WAY over the hump now. You got this!

Positive thoughts

14-02-18, 10:20
Congrats. 53 days is a real achievement. It is hard to give up smoking but it gets easier as time goes by. It takes time for your breathing to improve so don’t expect a significant improvement straight away. Are you using patches or anything?

15-02-18, 01:39
I gave up 3 years ago using NRT but still have days when I would kill for a smoke.
It doesn't last long but is intense.
I gave in and tried one about 6 mths ago.
It tasted terrible and my lungs tried to jump out of my body when I inhaled.
The smell that lingered on me was terrible.
I kept going by telling myself that if I had one I'd be back at day one.

15-02-18, 01:53
Well done for keeping it going! :yesyes::yahoo:

Considering the amount of emotional stress you are under right now over your mum's diagnosis, it's even more of a challenge overcome.

08-03-18, 21:33
I am now at 76 days. Cravings are weaker but I still can't believe how often I think about giving in.

04-04-18, 21:42
Up to 103 days tobacco free. I am hoping it will improve my blood work. Cheers to you all.

04-04-18, 21:43
Up to 103 days tobacco free. I am hoping it will improve my blood work. Cheers to you all.

:yesyes: Way to go!

Positive thoughts

30-07-18, 17:29
Made it to 220 days. I even went a week on holiday and didn't use. I really wanted to but I made it. Now if I could just convince myself that this flank pain is IBS and not the big C or kidney failure, I would be so much happier.

30-07-18, 17:43
Made it to 220 days. I even went a week on holiday and didn't use. I really wanted to but I made it. Now if I could just convince myself that this flank pain is IBS and not the big C or kidney failure, I would be so much happier.

Good news!

I vape now, and currently sitting in a cloud of "bubblegum" :shades:

30-07-18, 17:54

29-10-18, 12:48
311 days without tobacco. I am happy I have made it this far but I was kind of hoping it would somehow help my anxiety. My mind may not be any better off but my body is. Cheers!

29-10-18, 16:33
311 days without tobacco. I am happy I have made it this far but I was kind of hoping it would somehow help my anxiety. My mind may not be any better off but my body is. Cheers!

Going on a year! Wow! :yesyes: The thing is, it's one less reason to be concerned with symptoms that smoking causes :winks:

Positive thoughts

29-10-18, 19:21
That is awesome. I know from personal experience what a brutal and difficult journey it can be. Congratulations!

30-10-18, 01:07
You're so close to a year now - congrats! I have been following along with your posts, so happy to see you have been able to stay with it.

23-01-19, 02:29
I know this post is older but I just quit smoking last week and my chest and throat are so tight! Howong after you quit did the pressure start to subside? I even went to the ER yesterday because I was so uncomfortable.

12-04-19, 14:42
sorry, I am just now seeing this. If you have questions in the future, please feel free to send me a direct message. As for the chest pain, it is hard to tell as I get chest tightness from anxiety frequently. The only thing that really helps is to exercise. It seems to take my mind off of the problem and to loosen my chest muscle. Good luck

13-04-19, 02:29
Good job quitters! I've been smoke free for 11.5 years (I'm 36). I didn't smoke much or long, maybe half a pack a day for several years, but quitting definitely was a good move. I had 1 cig halfway the years (was drunk in a pub with ppl smoking around me) and it didn't feel good at all. It felt nasty. So glad I stopped when I did. Good luck everyone with quitting, you can do it!!!

31-10-19, 23:54
I have made it 673 days since I quit. I still miss it now and then but I am so glad I quit.

02-11-19, 20:42
Awesome! :yahoo:

02-11-19, 20:52
That’s amazing, well done! It’s 7 years for me now [emoji3060]