View Full Version : Propranolol, and wasted potential.

18-01-18, 22:12
Hello online world!

I've always read posts on this forum at my worst moments, and they've helped me cope during those nights when I felt oh-so alone.

I'm 17, and have suffered anxiety, panic attacks, and emetophobia since I was 12 years old. I managed to overcome a lot of my worries when I had some hard hitting exposure therapy at the age of 14. I lived a few anxiety-free-ish years (anxiety limited to one panic attack a month type of thing).

2017 was bittersweet. I lost my grandad to cancer, I got into a new relationship, my boyfriend was forced to move in with my family and I lost my best friend. All the stress left me rundown and I got glandular fever too. I guess you could call it bad luck.

Anyways, the year left me vulnerable, and my panic attacks came back. I am now having them daily, multiple times, and I rarely sleep before 2/3am. I had to drop 2 of my 3 a-levels because my glandular fever left me bedridden for too long to keep up going to sixth form.

I want to say it's getting better, I feel like it is. Each panic attack feels different, somehow, to the last. For better or worse, I know what to expect; that I might panic in any given situation.

I rely heavily on my mum for support, as she will sit with me when I'm panicking and relax me simply by talking to me. My boyfriend lacks her patience, but I really don't expect him to have to take care of me every night. He is very supportive, but he's only 17 and we're already living as a couple; I don't want to put so much strain on him.

I'm on 50mg of propranolol, 3 times per day. I don't know if it's working. There are no appointments with my GP until next week, so I need to just tough it out, but I want to talk to my doctor about changing my medication when I see him on Weds.

I'm here to find support, give support and vent when no one at home can understand how it feels!

Sending hugs to all


18-01-18, 22:18
Hiya PotentialGenius and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: