View Full Version : New member

30-06-07, 00:17
Hi everyone. I've visited this site a few times, but only just registered. I'm a 43 yr old mum of one. I had panic attacks since my early twenties. They've tended to come in phases - usually around big transition points - leaving home, new jobs, end of relationships etc - which you'd probably expect. They were always associated with transport (usually trains) and triggered by delays in the journey. At first, the panic would hit about five minutes short of the destination. Fortunately, I could always maintain the appearance of normality in spite of the horrible feelings. It would also go away as soon as I got of the train, so I could carry on with work or whatever as if nothing had happened. Naturally, the rotten things escalated - starting earlier on in the journey. I started getting off a stop early and taking a cab to my destination and before very long it was a cab all the way there (an expensive option!). Then the attacks started hitting in traffic jams, in shops, in queues, all the usual places. With a young child, I had no option of avoiding these places, so I just had to grin and bear it. Eventually, just as inexplicably as they began, the panic attacks went away and I had a couple of great years of normal life.

Now, unfortunately, I'm back in another phase of them - it started early last year and it is really grinding me down. The first one hit a couple of days after my dad died. I thought I knew these wretched things inside out but this one beyond anything. It peaked in seconds from derealisation (which I thought I'd learned to cope with) to the most intense, unbearable terror -shuddering, screaming, vomiting, all that good stuff - it lasted at that level for a couple of hours and only started to subside when someone gave me valium. Even taking it, I didn't get back to functional normality until I got back home a week later. Thankfully, I haven't had one quite that bad since, but some have been pretty close. I get one at least every two weeks - sometimes more. The rest of the time I'm either jumpy or exhausted. I'm doing all those stupid things that just serve the panic - my poor partner is now my "safe person". I can't go anywhere without a mobile phone and a valium. I've had to leave conventional employment (fortunately, my work can be done on a freelance basis). Taking my child to school is an ordeal. I run home, collapse with relief then spend the rest of the day dreading three o'clock when I have to go out again. Sorry for rambling on, but it's good to be able to tell this to people who know what it's like.

30-06-07, 00:53
Hello anneb :welcome:!!

You're not rambling at all - it's good to talk.....or type!!

We're all here for each other and do know what it's like - so you're among friends :)!

Pleased to meet you!


30-06-07, 01:28
:welcome:To you anneb, you cerntainly have come to the right place, i can relate to this thread i too keep avoiding places of fear that a p.a. will start.Mine mainly are motorways,planes,long journeys of any kind really.I,ve been a suffer of p.a,s for at least 10 yrs now, i really do,nt know what started them ,i,ve tried hypnotherpy, councelling, meds, but just do,nt seem to get any better.I,m sorry to hear of your dad,s passing, i lost my parents in 1984/1987. still can,t seem to come to terms with it after all this time .I was so out going, nothing used to bother me, and now i,m just the opposite, just trying to say that you are not alone ,if i can help in any way, just p.m. me. take care . lorraine.:hugs:

30-06-07, 10:00
Hi Anne

And welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


30-06-07, 10:54

30-06-07, 10:58
Hi Anne,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

30-06-07, 15:10

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

30-06-07, 15:48
Hi Anne,

Welcome to the site. You will find many here who feel exactly how you do and will find support.


30-06-07, 22:02
hi anne!

hope you find good advice here


Pink Princess
02-07-07, 16:22
hi and welcome to the site, you will find a lot of good advice and support here and make many friends along the way. hope to talk soon, take kare xxxxxx

02-07-07, 19:10
Hi Anneb

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help and you meet some fab new friends along the way.

Take some time to read all you can on the website pages as well - I am sure that will be of some help.