View Full Version : I'm so worried. I've had enough.

19-01-18, 00:30
Hi everyone
I've literally had enough of this health anxiety now it's taken over and I'm loosing strength to fight it.
I had two dental implants put in March last year and ever since I've regretted it. It's become a massive burden on me always worrying about infection, complications, gum disease I just can't cope. For the last few months (since I have the crowns put on) the gums around my implants have been tender and they bleed. I'm looking after them the best I can my dentist hasn't taken X-rays in months and just tells me to stop worrying about them. I want to I really do want to stop worrying but this anxiety is all consuming it doesn't stop I'm depressed and lonely. I can't sleep at night and when I do I sleep in till midday. Getting through the day is a challenge without curling into a ball in bed again. And to top it off the implants caused the need for a root canal in a neighbouring tooth (these are front teeth) I've now just have to have the root canal re done as the first failed and this one isn't looking too promising at the moment. I don't know what I'm going to do.
My health anxieties before this were bad don't get me wrong. But now I actually have something to worry about whereas before it was just speculation. That probably doesn't make much sense I guess what I mean is I have created this problem. I chose to have implants. Why on earth did I choose to have them.

I'm so sorry for this rant. I just don't know what else to do.
Currently waiting for my cbt. But it's understandly taking a while.