View Full Version : Confessions of a Hypochondriac

19-01-18, 08:10
Since the end of November, I have had surges of health anxiety. First triggered by my nodes, leading me to think lymphoma and leukaemia, then other worries like bone cancer, brain tumour and nasal cancer. I realised, after seeing my doctor on Wednesday how irrational health anxiety can be. Yet I am too scared to not worry, just in case something is lurking in the corner.

I was out with a friend and she was telling me how someone in her family had non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. This triggered my fear once again. Whist my nodes have not changed since May 2017 and I had a clear blood test in mid November 2017, I still feel like something is wrong. I have no night sweats and occasional itchy skin which makes me anxious. I wonder whether I should get further testing but :shrug: I have no idea anymore.

I'm curious, has anyone else switched diseases and got triggered and gone back to a disease they were scared about before? If so, what were they and how did you get over the fear? What should I do next? More tests just in case and for reassurance or leave it?

19-01-18, 09:34
my nodes have not changed since May 2017

had a clear blood test in mid November 2017

no night sweats

occasional itchy skin [everyone gets occasional itchy skin]

Essentially you're asking if you should have medical tests for something, by your own admission, you have no symptoms of. No medic worth their license would do such a thing.

Have you seen anyone about the real illness here - a possible anxiety disorder?

20-01-18, 06:30
my skin is itching just reading this!
seriously, you are probably fine.

20-01-18, 10:25
Thanks for the replies x
I really hope I'm fine haha
I have tried counselling but never stuck to it. It didn't seem to help when I went and the woman was just repeating everything I said in a nicer tone

20-01-18, 11:29
I am exactly the same, crippling health anxiety. I hate the fact that I have to take medication, citalopram 20 mg( just increased from 10mg, do to recent scare that had me climbing the walls). However all was fine but it definitely helps me. Makes me feel I can't be bothered to worry and fixate and I can actually carry on with living my life.
I am sure you are fine, you say you don,t feel unwell so that must be a big plus.
You will get through this.

20-01-18, 11:50
Thanks xx
Health anxiety is so consuming. Just when you think you can stop worrying, a new thought or symptom pops up, convincing you that you are ill :lac:

20-01-18, 11:54
Thanks for the replies x
I really hope I'm fine haha
I have tried counselling but never stuck to it. It didn't seem to help when I went and the woman was just repeating everything I said in a nicer tone

CBT is worth a try instead, very different thing.

20-01-18, 13:07
Talking therapies are definitely great for treating anxiety, but a lot of the time it depends on the people. Not everyone works well together and often you just have to see the person you have been assigned to, rather than the person that would be best for you, if you see what I mean?

I would definitely recommend trying it again. Are you medicated at all?

Also, I switch conditions all the time! I have a few that I come back to over and over. I only began to accept it as HA when I realised that I have 'had' all of these things 'wrong' and have lived for 12 years after it first started. You'll get there, you just have to work at it.

There is an online CBT course posted around here, might be worth a look. xx

20-01-18, 13:14
FREE CBT (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=211324)

Positive thoughts