View Full Version : Week 7 and feeling low

19-01-18, 08:18
I’ve been on Citalopram now for 7 weeks and yes it has worked wonders for my anxiety and I’m no longer having panic attacks however I’m feeling really low everyday and uninterested in the things I used to love. In particular, my college course which I’m falling behind on as I just don’t have the motivation anymore to do any work. I’m hoping something changes soon. Surely I’d see an improvement in my mood after 7 weeks? I’m on 20mg once a day.

19-01-18, 15:48
You might find relief if you go up to 30mg. I know I did after remaining on the 20 for a while. My GP wanted me to go to 40mg as "citalopram was not prescribed in 30mg" to which I naturally advised I could take a 20mg and a 10mg tablet. Worked for me, might do for you.

Good luck