View Full Version : Restart Escitalopram, encouraging words....

19-01-18, 08:31
Hi All, after trying to deal with my anxiety for 7 months now, thought I was slowly getting better and now hit by a setback with horrible OCD thoughts, which I have never had before and has totally scared me, I am going to ask my GP about going back on Escitalopram. I say going back, as back in August 2016, I was put on them when my anxiety first started and after a few weeks of increased anxiety on starting them, which wasn't great, it worked really well for me, so well that after several months I slowly came off them, only for my anxiety to come back, so obviously should have stayed on them longer or done some CBT whilst on them.

My main worry is tolerating the initial side effects and them working just as well the second time around. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Will slowly tapering up on them make the side effects more tolerable ?

19-01-18, 11:14
Yes, starting at 5 mg for a week before bumping up to 10 mg (the starting effective dose) will help with start-up effects. Remember, any start up effects are just temporary and can't really hurt you.

I suggest you stay on them for much longer. OCD is usually a lifelong condition, which suggests you will always require some maintenance of some form.

24-01-18, 13:23
I've just started again Escitalopram yesterday (5 mg) and woke up really bad today. Initially I started it more than 5 years ago (10mg and after 2 weeks 20mg) and while I started I took 1mg of Xanax to help. I was feeling terrible back then and the side effects were not much worse than the symptoms I already had.

I came off it gradually about 8-9 months ago, but recently haven't felt good, so decided to start it again. I'm getting 0.25 mg of Xanax to help, and hopefully the side effects will not be too bad until Escitalopram does its magic.

Stay strong :)

25-01-18, 08:44
I'm on day 3 of escitalopram 5mg and struggling with nausea. I hope this is temporary and it will pass soon, as I have taken the past 2 days off work I just feel so grotty. :weep:

25-01-18, 18:50
I'm on day 3 of escitalopram 5mg and struggling with nausea. I hope this is temporary and it will pass soon, as I have taken the past 2 days off work I just feel so grotty. :weep:It goes away. I started cipralex 2 months ago, and the first weeks were bad. I did take 1mg of ativan to cope with them. So maybe ask your doctor for something to help you. There is no need to suffer when something can be done.

25-01-18, 22:03
I have been on lexapro for 5 years now on 20mg and it has really helped my anxiety... i still have blips along the way and have a valium every now and then... like anything it takes time for medications to settle. Good luck.

26-01-18, 09:56
I have been on lexapro for 5 years now on 20mg and it has really helped my anxiety... i still have blips along the way and have a valium every now and then... like anything it takes time for medications to settle. Good luck.If you can still remember how long did it take to feel better in thr beginning, and how did you get to 20mg? Thanks.

28-01-18, 00:37
If you can still remember how long did it take to feel better in thr beginning, and how did you get to 20mg? Thanks.

It takes about 4 weeks.... started on 10mg and upped to 20mg after about 2 weeks i think... just take things day by day and be kind to yourself

28-01-18, 06:29
Thanks for the answer. I am getting close to 3 months on 10mg. I do feel better, but it's hard to tell if it's from the Ativan or Cipralex. How do you tell the difference? Perhaps i should up to 15mg?

30-01-18, 12:37
I'm on day 8 on 5mg and the nausea has subsided but I my stomach isn't quite right, feels like a washing machine. Please tell me this will pass.

30-01-18, 12:39
It will. 100%

01-02-18, 16:21
I am day 10 5mg and I seem to have permanent indigestion. Is this normal? Will it go away. I also have a very flat mood at the moment and wondering if this is just the meds adjusting and just need more time ??

01-02-18, 17:09
Yes. This is perfectly normal. I went through the exact same things. It will get better with each week. Try to take a week as milestones rather then days. Cipralex takes some time to adjust with your body/brain.

05-02-18, 11:08
Well I am on day 14 5mg today and the side effects seem to have now left thank god. I am due to see the GP today as the intention was to up the dose to 10mg. Just worried about going through all the side effects again. Will it be the same or to a lesser extent as they are in my system already ? Also my mood still seems flat, I am not sure if it is the meds adjusting or am just analysing myself too much !

05-02-18, 11:16
Hey. Glad you are feeling better.
There is a high chance that you might have some side effects when going on 10mg, but should be less intense.

For the flat mood, i think it's both your anxiety and the body adjustment. Take one day at a time. It will be ok once you get on therapeutic level of 10 mg. I went through the exact same process, so try not to worry to much.

Keep us posted with what's bothering you so we can give you support.

God bless!

10-02-18, 11:56
I am on day 18, day 5 on 10mg. Didn't have any immediate side effects from increasing from 5mg to 10mg, but today I feel really nauseous and have an upset stomach. Could this be side effects? Why has it taken 5 days since uping the dose for the side effects to start?

10-02-18, 13:53
Yeah, it's normal. You will have good days and bad days until your body adjusts. Don't worry about it to much. Have some ginger tea or something to take away the nausea. I found that eating A fruit or a snack helps.

13-02-18, 15:24
Day 21, 7 days on 10mg. Stomach seems to have settled now.
Get the occasional headache but nothing major and feel a bit tired. I have felt though in the past couple of days my anxiety has increased slightly and wondering if it is going to work or not or is this normal?

13-02-18, 15:56
Day 21, 7 days on 10mg. Stomach seems to have settled now.
Get the occasional headache but nothing major and feel a bit tired. I have felt though in the past couple of days my anxiety has increased slightly and wondering if it is going to work or not or is this normal?Yes. Perfectly normal. I am on month 3 and still get occasional anxiety spikes. It will go away with time. Hang in there, all will be well.

14-02-18, 07:08
Sorry have another question! I feel very unmotivated lately which isn't like me at all, even when my anxiety was high I was always very positive and get up and go, but recently feel like staying in bed and do nothing. Can escitalopram do this to you ?

25-02-18, 16:14
Hi All, I am on day 34 now. My side effects have more or less disappeared, apart from some occasional stomach issues. My mood is a lot better and my head is less foggy but I still have these anxiety physical symptoms namely heart thumping, Shortness of breath, jaw clenching and muscle stiffness, just wondering if the Escitalopram is going to get rid of these physical symptoms? It has been 5 weeks nearly, 2 weeks on 5mg and nearly 3 weeks on 10mg. Is it too soon?

25-02-18, 16:16
To soon friend. Mine started fading after 2 months. Hang in there...

25-02-18, 16:21
Thanks, it just seems so different this time to when I first took Escitalopram, the first time I felt so much better after two weeks but it seems a much slower process this time. As long as I feel improvement however small though, I am encouraged.

25-02-18, 16:38
Exactly the same thing happening to me. First time i took it was much better then this time. I guess this is part of the process. I am starting month 3. I feel much better, but still not there yet. Taking ativan also, but i guess we just have to hang in there. Had some good 2 weeks, then last week was not so peachy, but feeling better now.

I'm sorry you're going through all of this, but on the other hand i am glad to see it wasn't just me having a hard start when starting cipralex for the 2nd time.