View Full Version : How to treat head lice?

Clydesdale Epona
19-01-18, 10:55
So I've never had head lice in my entire life so forgive me for being a little freaked out but low and behold i have discovered them today :(

Can i treat myself? Will i be able to find treatment in somewhere like Morrison's or do i need a pharmacy?

I don't mind dealing with the itching but is it safe to leave until i can find some treatment? They're not dangerous are they?

19-01-18, 11:07
Not dangerous, just annoying.

Just buy a head lice treatment and apply, although it's probably worth trying to find out where they came from. Chances are if you have them, others in the household will too. Often brought home by kids.

19-01-18, 11:08
Have you used a nit comb and found some tiny crawly things, can you see white eggs on the hairs? Are you itchy ? If so....

Welcome to the world of most parents :winks: I don't know many who haven't had their young children get head lice/nits. They aren't dangerous, but very irritating and frustrating and will continue to thrive and breed. My daughter with long hair had them multiple times, twice I used a wash in treatment availiable from the chemist, off the shelf, and twice I spent a week combing and combing through with a nit comb and tea tree conditioner every evening. Both worked, but the wash in treatment is quicker. The supermarket pharmacy section should have a variety of the treatments you need, ask their advice about which is best for you. You can also get a special white 'nit comb' there.

They are very contagious, so if you have a partner or family then best to do everyone together, otherwise you pass them back and forth. I know this, as I've had them in the past from my daughter. Some people have them for ages without realising and are just scratching a bit. My poor mother was mortified to be told that she had them by her hair dresser !!!

19-01-18, 11:09

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Nope not dangerous just completely annoying and very itcy (you will soon get annoyed at the itching) ....... just buy some lotion from the nearest supermarket or chemist and do what it says on the box :)

19-01-18, 11:12
Have you used a nit comb and found some tiny crawly things, can you see white eggs on the hairs? Are you itchy ? If so....

Welcome to the world of most parents :winks: I don't know many who haven't had their young children get head lice/nits. They aren't dangerous, but very irritating and frustrating and will continue to thrive and breed. My daughter with long hair had them multiple times, twice I used a wash in treatment availiable from the chemist, off the shelf, and twice I spent a week combing and combing through with a nit comb and tea tree conditioner every evening. Both worked, but the wash in treatment is quicker. The supermarket pharmacy section should have a variety of the treatments you need, ask their advice about which is best for you. You can also get a special white 'nit comb' there.

They are very contagious, so if you have a partner or family then best to do everyone together, otherwise you pass them back and forth. I know this, as I've had them in the past from my daughter. Some people have them for ages without realising and are just scratching a bit. My poor mother was mortified to be told that she had them by her hair dresser !!!

19-01-18, 11:17
My son had them recently but we caught them early so we used conditioner and a comb and lots of washes. Managed to get rid of them without using lice cream (really don't like that stuff). There are natural ways to get rid of them :)

19-01-18, 11:21
oops I seem to have broken your thread :O will endeavour to sort it out lol

19-01-18, 11:48
Do you have kids? In Scotland you can get free head lice treatment called Hedrin (you apply it twice - a week apart) by registering under "Minor Ailments" at a pharmacist. Means you can also get things like Calpol (kids paracetamol) free and various other things. Otherwise the treatment that works fastest is called "Vamousse". It isn't cheap but it works in 15 minutes with one application. If you have a lot of lice/nits I recommend that one as it just blasts them.

My experience with my 2 kids and step daughter is that if you have a bad infestation of them then I'd always go for a product from a pharmacy. If I had one kid I might try the natural combing with oil treatment, but when they've all got them at once I find it's just not possible to spend that many hours combing heads and it's also easy to miss some, especially if you're dealing with thick hair.

Oh, and there is a comb called a "Nitty Gritty" that is brilliant. Whatever method you choose I would get that one and use it to comb through treatments and also to do head checks with loads of conditioner at other times. Comb out onto a newspaper after applying conditioner to check for them.

19-01-18, 11:58
My poor mother was mortified to be told that she had them by her hair dresser !!!

Not my idea of "something for the weekend" :ohmy:

All good advice above, Clydesdale. Extremely common in kids and treated easily all the time so please don't worry about this. Lice are species-specific so if you can't be as close to your partner for a while you've still got the horses :yesyes:

19-01-18, 12:16
I work with kids at a school..... lost count of how many times I have had them lol

19-01-18, 12:44
LOL at the horses and 'something for the weekend' !!

Can I add, that they are not only species specific, but.....er......location ON the species specific. Thought I'd that just incase, you start putting lotion where it isn't errr.....needed. :roflmao:

---------- Post added at 12:44 ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 ----------

Hi Venusbluejeans,

Ankitey Jo's reply hasn't come across with the thread when you moved it, it seems that the original thread is somewhere floating without the OP post. ?

19-01-18, 12:54
Thread fixed now I think

19-01-18, 13:13
LOL at the horses and 'something for the weekend' !!

Can I add, that they are not only species specific, but.....er......location ON the species specific. Thought I'd that just incase, you start putting lotion where it isn't errr.....needed. :roflmao:


And that includes romantic lice grooming of your partner...unless they don't know it doesn't reach those parts either :winks::roflmao:

If i had only known this before i inadvertently gave a donkey a good time :whistles:

EDIT: that sounds like I have romantic sessions with donkeys :roflmao: It's not true, you haven't seen me on the Jerry Springer Show :noangel:

Clydesdale Epona
19-01-18, 13:25
Thanks for all the replies!

Have no idea where i got them from as me and my partner are not kid people so haven't been around anywhere, of course it would be me haha
Going to look for treatment in Morrison's tomorrow. The itching ain't annoying but its just creepy having something icing in your hair hahaha

---------- Post added at 13:25 ---------- Previous post was at 13:23 ----------

Aww the humor has made my day a little shinier thanks everyone ��

It's okay me and my partner have it at the same time so me and him are both creeped out and irritated ��

Clydesdale Epona
20-01-18, 15:18

Day 2 of the crawly buggers.

Now have some headrin and both me and partner have used it, waiting to wash it off in a few hours and hoping that does something. On the Brightside it was only £3.00 in pound world plus so silver linings!

On the not so bright side. My partner realized he had them last night while trying to sleep.

He was wearing his nightmask/blindfold thing with hid door wind open and just as his mum had walked past he started spurting a string of questions such as" whoa that feels weird, is that you? What are you doing? Ew if it is stop please that's too weird ew it itches why does it itch? Make it stop, don't touch me like that!"

She thought we were having some kind of uhh kinky fun..... I haven't been able to look her in the eye, she knows we now caught head lice off the kids but i don't think she believed what we were doing last night.

Can't wait to rid of these guys :blush: 😂😂

Clydesdale Epona
23-01-18, 10:24
So as some of you may know me and my partner are currently victims of head lice.

Saturday i brought us some headrin and we both used that. He is now lice free and just has to do more next Saturday to kill the freshly hatches eggs, i however, am not so lucky(of course)

I used more on Sunday as it didn't kill them all and now i'm left with some baby/small ones in my hair.

Should i wait till next Saturday and use it again? Or should i buy some stronger poisonous stuff and use it now? I'm really stumped :/ x

23-01-18, 10:35
Welllllll, you've bred strong strong critters there! I can only tell you what I would do (but then I try and avoid strong chemicals in all aspects of life). Buy some teatree conditioner, a couple of bottles, smother your hair in it (dry hair) use a white nit comb and go over and over combing through and and through. Each time you comb you must get right to the scalp and pull right through the whole hair in a smooth motion - then wipe everything off on some kitchen roll and start again. You need to work over the whole head repeatedly for as long as you can, or as long as you keep finding your new unwanted pets. By the end your hair will be so slippery that you can run the comb from forehead to base of neck in one smooth run. You can repeat this process twice a day, or once a day....then on Saturday do the whole head treatment with your partner using the hedrin.

23-01-18, 11:12
Personally I would read fully on dosage instructions on the leaflet the idea behind it is to break the cycle fully those baby ones will probably be ready to breed within days so more will hatch out yes a good knit comb is essential to get them out of your hair and also any towels you use after washing/drying your hair don't re use them wash them at the highest temp possible to kill any further lava or eggs :) HTH Let us know how you get on! ATB

Clydesdale Epona
23-01-18, 17:03
Thanks you two!

I'm gonna kill whoever I got them off I really am haha!

I've been using conditioner and a nit comb quite a bit about twice a day but there always seems to be more :weep:

Going to stick with that and buy myself some stronger stuff soon, i'm ready to kick them for good.

Not even doing my HA in as I know they're not deadly but are royally getting to me too and causing a vengeance between me and my partner because he's fine the lucky bugger :roflmao:

23-01-18, 17:21
Ah well, he won't be fine for long.......ha ha....if they stick around in your head. lol

Clydesdale Epona
23-01-18, 17:35
Sadly so he won't,

Its taking a crunch out of hugging time and ruining the nighttime cuddles if I may be honest :roflmao:

It worked better for him as his were only hatchlings and mine were full grown monsters lol

going to keep conditioner/teatree oiling and see if the stuff on Saturday works and if it doesn't i'll try something stronger.

Its not dangerous so may as well see as really don't want to use stronger stuff unless I have to because of allergies and asthma, till then i'll stick with condescending back pats :roflmao:x

23-01-18, 19:42
Yes just be careful getting stronger stuff its probably your timing that was out I would re apply the lice killer now again babys will still breed then more eggs then more babys :eek: break the cycle now and good luck! And theres nothing like a good pat on the back ;) ATB

23-01-18, 20:10
Condescending back pats, from us or your other half ?

Clydesdale Epona
24-01-18, 17:40
From my other half, although yesterday I got a couple second half hug so can't complain :roflmao:

Going to get some more tomorrow and check my timing, still only have babies so if its the same i'll use it if not I'll wait a little bit.

But going to use more combing in the meantime x

24-01-18, 22:14
Definitely go with carys on the comb and conditioner, my daughters used to come home from school with them , they'd be hanging over the sink having the little bleeders combed out , the other options include getting a hair cut like mine number one ( the new Royal favourite ) or posting an eviction order on your forehead giving them two weeks notice to leave then send in the bailiffs :D
Ps they only like nice clean hair so take it as a compliment.

24-01-18, 22:19
LOL ! Can they read ?

I used to get a lot of satisfaction from seeing them on that comb, and comparing sizes of them.

Clydesdale Epona
24-01-18, 23:31
Killer the babies! Just have eggs woohoo! Haha going to get some headrin tomorrow and do it again x

On another note i can't catch a break as i now have tonsillitis and have to hope when i register temporarily tomorrow they'll give me an appointment for tomorrow lol

25-01-18, 21:25
LOL ! Can they read ?

I used to get a lot of satisfaction from seeing them on that comb, and comparing sizes of them.

I think that's a woman thing , partner used to take great satisfaction in squishing each one individually, same if the dogs come home with a flea luckily they have very short fur so not often . It's only the intelligent ones that read the rest are just nits :shades:
Thought my daughter had the sole rights to tonsillitis she gets it at least once a year but they won't take them out unless they get real bad .

26-01-18, 11:10
Doesn't matter wether it's eggs, hatchlings or full gown ones the treatment does all 3 :) So any update on this? ATB

26-01-18, 12:13

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


26-01-18, 12:15

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

26-01-18, 13:36
Just typical of head lice, jumping from forum to forum...:whistles: