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15-12-17, 16:38
hey, so since yesterday when i went out of bed i got so dizzy... i still have it since that and it doesn't change.. its not like i fall to the sides so much i can walk pretty straight lines but sometimes i tend to fall a little bit to one of the sides. the dizzy feeling is mostly inside my head but im so scared, i also feel nausea like im about to vomit

15-12-17, 18:25
Do you have anxiety? Dizziness is a very common symptom. I've had it so bad when waking up that I could hardly get off my bed . Nausea is also a common anxiety symptom.
Try to calm down your anxiety and the symptoms will ease off.

07-01-18, 12:16
Hey, so suddenly now i have started getting a insane fear for brain cancer. i have had headaches almost every day. off balance feeling and fuzzy head have been here for 2 weeks now, not totally constant, i have days where it's not so presistent. last night i started getting a "burning" smell in my nose, even tho nothing in the room smelled like this. just when i inhaled i got this weird burnt smell in. i have also been feeling a pressure in my eyes lately. is this all my health anxiety??!! im going crazy! i've been to the doctor and he had a few neurological tests on me, everything was fine. blood work find. he just tells me there's nothing to worry about.

07-01-18, 15:24
Anxiety. If it was a brain tumor the symptoms would be constant and severe, getting worse over time.

Smelling burning could have come from anywhere. Even when my window is closed I smell things from outside.

A doctor has tested you and said there is nothing to worry about. Brain fog, balance problems and dizziness can all be put down to anxiety or at worst minor ear issues.

09-01-18, 18:45
Hey, i'm a 16 year old boy that have lately been experiencing a pressure/tiredness in the eyes constantly, even if i get a good night sleep. my headache have lasted for 6-7 hours (or more), i'm so scared convincing myself i have a brain tumor because of this pressure feeling up there... also there is some pain in my eyes sometimes.

Anxiety Symptoms?

09-01-18, 18:49
Have you had your eyes tested?
Doesn't sound like a brain tumour

09-01-18, 19:32
I had my eyes tested, i have astigatism. using lenses

09-01-18, 20:12
I suffer from tension headaches and brain fog, a feeling of emptiness or dizziness in the head.

All anxiety related.

10-01-18, 10:54

I have the exact same issues as Mindprison, is this really confirmed down as anxiety ? At home or in my comfortable surroundings I feel fine, but after a day at workplace - wow I feel terrible - severe balance issues / light-headiness / dizziness and head pressure. By about 19:30 ish I start to feel again like a normal human being - really fed up of it :mad:

10-01-18, 11:15
Sounds like a pretty bog-standard anxiety headache to me. If they persist worth going to the GP - not to check for nasties but to get some tips for relieving them.

10-01-18, 11:30
Hi axoloti,

Yes - I actually have an appointment with a neurologist for next month so hopefully they can shed some light on it. One of my colleagues is already drving me nuts this morning, talking about 6 million decibels whilst using the phone and constant pen clicking - I have politely asked him before about the pen noise but alas it still continues. I have concluded that he is simply a moron, unfortunately I am surrounded by a number of them.

Roll on Chirstmas ! :D:mad:

11-01-18, 13:53
Hey, i'm starting to get so scared of this now.. the dizzy feeling is very hard to explain. it's not like the room is spinning or it's so hard too walk that i have to sit down, but as soon as i raise up to walk i can feel that there is something just making me lose a little balance, my whole head feels like it's full of pressure.

Can a wrong contact lens prescript make all this? the optician told me my vision have gotten a little bit worse, and they didn't have the new contact lenses yet so i have to wait for like a week or two before i get them.

11-01-18, 15:46
I had/still have this in minor state. It was just the same as you described it. Pressure in the forehead, walking on matress/sand sensation, sensation that something is pulling you to the sides.

It's hard to believe but in my case it was only anxiety, very severe anxiety. I've spent countless hours trying to find out whats the reason of it. I've checked my brain, my eyes multiple times, my spine at chiropractor, my neck arteries with Ultrasound doppler. Nothing. But then i realised that in some cases when I was in good mood not thinking about this symptom (as something like MS or brian tumor), it was better. As long as I started ignoring it (very difficult, because its with you 24/7) it diminshed in like 80%. Oh, and I was taking Sertraline, it didn't help with symptom itself but with cooping with anxiety. I hope, one day it will just go away.

One question to you, is it related to your fears about some neurological diesease (like MS, ALS, Brain cancer etc)? Meaning, before it started, did u have any neurological fears?

Oh and when i was going through it my vision also worsened, i got floaters which I never had before, and sometimes my vision is a bit blurred. I think it was due the muscle tension within eyeholes.

If you're suffering from the same "thing" as i had and still have, sad thing there is no quick cure for it. Therapy like CBT, NOT researching about it (it only made things worse), and maybe some drugs like SSRI.

11-01-18, 19:57
hey, i fear for brain cancer :( i feared penile cancer before this, but a quick google search turned it over too brain cancer when i felt my eyes are strained, they are still strained after 3 days, they just feel tired. like there is a pressure behind them doesn't matter how long i sleep

11-01-18, 20:21
I bet you don't have brain cancer. In Norway you probably have one of the best public healthcares in the world, so do yourself a favor and have a brain scan with MRI and put your mind at ease.

I had everything you described and worse and I don't have brain tumor. Chin up!

12-01-18, 15:02
Hey, so i know i have uploaded many posts about my dizzines and eyestrain lately.

i just recognized that i have started seeing black and white flashes in my eyes

12-01-18, 21:14
Hi there,

I have had these a lot especially when I am anxious and/or stressed out. Also if I have been gaming all day or working at the computer a lot. Don't fret unless your vision is getting really distorted or these flashes appear to be getting larger and don't go away. Do you wear glasses? I went to the opticians after a whole load of eye symptoms and all they said was that I need some glasses for reading etc, helped so much and now my floaters, blurriness etc are less noticeable. If in doubt I'd see an optician over a GP as they go in depth and when I went to my doctors they just said to see the optician as I wasn't in pain etc (thought I had a retinal tear which I didn't). Tbh though it most likely is anxiety. All the best:)

Peace and love

14-01-18, 11:34
hey, i just started 3 days ago seeing white and black dots in vision, sometimes circles. (mostly white/bright)

my eyes have also been feeling weird the last 7 days, where they feel strained all the time.

These flashing dots make me overly scared of brain tumor... im only 16

please help��

14-01-18, 13:52
Do you ever see an eye doctor? We can't diagnose you here, but for what it's worth a lot of visual issues are completely normal such as floaters in your vision. If your eyes feel strained, you may just need glasses. Do you live with your parents? Could you talk to them about what is going on and see if they can get your eyes tested?

14-01-18, 14:36
im going to my doctor this week, i use contact lenses

14-01-18, 19:33
Anxiety can cause a myriad of visual issues. I know from experience (and im not just saying this) that anxiety has caused me some crazy visual things.

Flashes, floats, grey patches, sparkles and even a bright dot that i could mainly only see when i blinked. It hung around a few days.

This was all years ago, my vision is way better now as my anxiety over the years has got better (albeit, not gone!)

You're doing the right thing going to the docs. But know that these things can be caused by stress/worry.

15-01-18, 01:05
Anxiety can cause a myriad of visual issues. I know from experience (and im not just saying this) that anxiety has caused me some crazy visual things.

Flashes, floats, grey patches, sparkles and even a bright dot that i could mainly only see when i blinked. It hung around a few days.

This was all years ago, my vision is way better now as my anxiety over the years has got better (albeit, not gone!)

You're doing the right thing going to the docs. But know that these things can be caused by stress/worry.

hey, thanks for letting me know since i am so scared of this symptom since i have seen brain tumor sufferers complaining about this.

i have health anxiety so it makes sense

15-01-18, 17:13
hey, thanks for letting me know since i am so scared of this symptom since i have seen brain tumor sufferers complaining about this.

i have health anxiety so it makes sense

I know it's scary. But believe me when I say anxiety caused flashes, floats, sparkles, spots and dots (and that's just my vision!)

You're doing the right thing by seeing the doc if it's bothering you. But rest assured this is an anxiety symptom for MANY, not just me.

15-01-18, 19:34
hey thanks for letting me know, also when i look at walls etc i can ser huge formations on the wall, like huge lines, circles and squares. is this also normal? i've really been overthinking the last days "This can't be anything else than a brain tumor" "since im constantly dizzy this have to be something in the brain" my dizzines is like a on boat feeling

16-01-18, 01:13
hey thanks for letting me know, also when i look at walls etc i can ser huge formations on the wall, like huge lines, circles and squares. is this also normal? i've really been overthinking the last days "This can't be anything else than a brain tumor" "since im constantly dizzy this have to be something in the brain" my dizzines is like a on boat feeling

Do you mean against white walls? I see a lot of crazy stuff when I do that too

16-01-18, 05:41
I see alot of stuff against walls, zig zags, circles, after images in opposite like white for darks etc

16-01-18, 12:39
if i look up in the sky i see loads of them, tons of white bugs flying

16-01-18, 14:08
if i look up in the sky i see loads of them, tons of white bugs flying

Replied to your message. The sky thing is normal and actually has a name! Blue field entoptic phenomenon (https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=13&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjcucyz09zYAhXOYVAKHT3NDN8QFghhMAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FBlue_f ield_entoptic_phenomenon&usg=AOvVaw3M4Ok6lOywTlnJ1kJ0LeAe)

In regards to shapes on walls etc. Floaters are common and more so with anxiety sufferers. Like I said, ive seen a myriad of sparkles, shapes and flashes thanks to anxiety.

Everyone is different and their body's all respond differently.

17-01-18, 12:55
hey, so i was to the doc today with my brain tumor fears. i have had floaters and strained eyes which made me scared. the doctor took a doctor flashlight and looked into my eyes, he said everything looked fine and nothing abnormal. if a tumor would have been causing my eye problems, would the doctor then have seen it?

17-01-18, 12:58

Are you doing anything about your health anxiety?

19-01-18, 13:41
hey, so i know i've posted alot here lately but i i'll write more detailed here.

so i was to the doc + optician to check out the eyes, i have had some strained/tired feeling in them lately. and a day after the optician trip i started seeing floaters, they can be all from huge objects to small dots, white/black. the doc said everything looks normal inside my eye and the optician didn't tell me about any abnormalities. (still fearing that they missed something)

Constant Dizzines/off balance feeling even though i have my balance.
It feels as if i go a little to the side when i walk, like walking a little "lopsided" but this is gets worse when i think about it, i don't really notice it unless i think about it, which i been overly thinking about for many weeks now. everyday i go out of my bed thinking "is the dizzines gone now?" then i walk out of bed and realize it's still there. it's not room spinning but more like a weird sensation when i walk.

Headaches: it feels like i have been getting more headaches lately also, when i wake up sometimes i get headaches that lasts the whole day then gets better in the evening, this is becoming a fear for me aswell. ( i do not have it everyday, mostly when i sleep for 10 or more hours)

double vision: this might be due to my astigmatism, i see a ghost image of the text above it and when i bend my head up and look down the ghost image goes more and more up.

any thoughts about it? my gp and optician have said nothing is wrong but im still concerned.

19-01-18, 15:21
any thoughts about it? my gp and optician have said nothing is wrong but im still concerned.

"my gp and optician have said nothing is wrong"

Positive thoghts

19-01-18, 16:11
Hiyer, I had a brain tumour at 19 years old. Well, I didn't of course as I'm now 49, but my HA anxiety told me I had one. It was very real, all the symptoms, even felt my left eye was closing/drooping, and have eye tests for floaters (had them now my whole adult life and only notice them when I become aware of them). I had headaches, perceived vision disturbances and all sorts. As Fishmanpa said above, in far more succinct terms lol, nobody can find any evidence. Of course with HA you won't believe that, and aren't believing that, but that it is the nature of the condition. You now need to tell yourself what you have been told - my doctor and opthamologist have checked and seen nothingof concern. Of course they would EASILY see if there was anything to be concerned about, evidence of a brain tumour would be obvious in the back of the eye. Every other single symptom you have mentioned here is attributable to over sensitised thinking about your body functions and the effects of anxiety. The brain is a powerful thing, and can trick you easily if you let it.

23-01-18, 14:29
I used to get eye floaters a lot when my anxiety was bad!!! now i don't notice them but I'm sure they are still there it was just that i used to focus on them a lot a lot! getting your eyes tested is also a good idea! Don't think floaters alone are a cause for concern but i know what its like with HA as i was exactly the same at the time... hope you feel better soon xxx

16-04-18, 18:17
Hey, so its a complicated thing to explain but when i look into a wall for example i can see huge lines that are pretty long and wide also if i look at the tv for example then up i can see the whole tv frame on the wall as a shadow floater. Otherwise small dots also just pop up in my vision every now and then, for example i can lay on my phone in my bed and suddenly in the side of my vision i see a spot, They are often white not only black or dark.

Is this like a hypersensitivity thing? Is this even symptoms of a brain tumor? Thats basically all i need a answer too.

Also have a off balance feeling at times but thats a common sign of anxiety i guess, this is on and off

Just to mention something, They started some months ago. I was to the doctor and he looked into my eyes and said all looked fine, Some weeks after that appt i didn't notice them anymore or i didnt think about them but some days ago a friend were over and i thought ''Okay, im gonna test to see if i still have these floaters, then i looked up on the wall and had my eyes on one spot and then they came slowly back, and then they came back for full.

Thoughts? Should i worry about this?

16-04-18, 18:40
Is this like a hypersensitivity thing? Is this even symptoms of a brain tumor? Thats basically all i need a answer too.

IMHO... Yes to the 1st question, No to the 2nd.

Positive thoughts

16-04-18, 19:30
I have a ton of eye floaters. Started when my stress levels went through the roof 6 years ago. My head is medically fine. It's highly unlikely that it's anything serious.

16-04-18, 23:36
Can confirm that floaters and visual disturbances are more of an indicator of high stress rather than a brain tumour.

I have constant visual snow to the point where it looks like it's raining in my house. It's also caused by stress.

You don't have to worry, floaters are extremely common.

24-04-18, 16:09
Hey, i just started experiencing this that when i read i read many words wrong and i stutter while reading and can't seem to read the word kind of. Is this a brain fog / depersonalization symptom? Having that heavily lately

It adds on to the brain tumor fears because i see all these weird shapes in my vision

Unsteadiness at times (now)

24-04-18, 16:13
Looking back on your previous posts this looks like it is related to your previous brain tumour fears.

Perhaps re reading your replies to your previous posts will help you.


24-04-18, 16:16

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.
