View Full Version : freaking out about the flu (another one of us)

19-01-18, 19:05
On Tuesday afternoon, I started to feel tired and had a scratchy throat which progressed to this aweful cold and sore/scratchy throat. I do feel achy, but mostly in my head. I stayed home from work yesterday and drank fluids all day long. I still have my appetite and no fever (thankfully). I'm really tired though(from not sleeping). I'm terrified that i have the flu that the media is really going on about. I'm on day 3 of this cold thing and went to work today. I should have stayed home, but at least it's friday and I can relax this weekend.

Years ago I would never of even thought twice about getting the flu. To me it just would have been another "bug" to get over-- just like the stomach flu, a cold, etc. Why am i so paranoid? Any tips on how to get rid of this blasted cold and sore throat? I'm nervous. I started a new medication that is giving me insomnia, so i am not getting proper rest. I was however, able to get out of bed just fine today.

19-01-18, 19:11
You probably do not have the flu, if those are your symptoms.

I am on day 11 of the flu (I think, can't even count anymore) and I was about bedridden for 8 full days, fever for 6 of those, intense body aches everywhere, crippling headache, plus cough and wicked congestion. I am up and about now and able to do about full days at work, but I still am not 100%. i think if you had the flu, you would be in a worse way.

19-01-18, 19:12
Did you get the flu shot? If not, then you would feel much worse if you actually had the flu. The main symptom of the flu is body aches. Fever is almost always present as is fatigue and a dry chest cough and yes a sore throats. . . The "cold" type symptoms in the nose are secondary. Meaning they are often there but the other symptoms are more prominent. And from my understanding you would not feel like going to work.

Now, if you did get a flu shot, then the flu can be much milder, so you might not get all the symptoms as badly.

Hope you feel better soon....

19-01-18, 19:13
Thank you for replying! I am so glad to here that you are up and moving around. I don't have a cough but i do have a sore throat. Did you go to the doctor at all, or did you just wait it out?

19-01-18, 19:24
Did you get the flu shot? If not, then you would feel much worse if you actually had the flu. The main symptom of the flu is body aches. Fever is almost always present as is fatigue and a dry chest cough and yes a sore throats. . . The "cold" type symptoms in the nose are secondary. Meaning they are often there but the other symptoms are more prominent. And from my understanding you would not feel like going to work.

Now, if you did get a flu shot, then the flu can be much milder, so you might not get all the symptoms as badly.

Hope you feel better soon....

I got the flu shot.

19-01-18, 19:28
Hi Cofo,
Thanks for responding. Yes, i got the flu shot :)

19-01-18, 19:35
I get the shot always. I didn't get the flu but since Christmas, I've been inundated with other "crud". Got a raging case of gout in my wrist, then a common cold type "crud" and Wednesday night I got hit with the norovirus! :ohmy: OMG! I was totally out of it from Wednesday night until this morning. I haven't felt so sick since cancer treatment! I literally could barely get out of bed but I had to to ummm... yeah. And I used common sense too! Disinfectant hand cleaner, avoided sick people etc. Just wasn't my lucky time I guess.

Thankfully, I think I'm on the tail end. It doesn't matter what it is, being sick sucks!

Positive and less crampy nauseous thoughts

19-01-18, 19:36
I'm terrified of the flu too. I don't know that I've ever had it, but I have had bad colds that have turned into something worse, like bronchitis, so I'm afraid that if I do get it, it will progress. And yes, I too got the flu shot.

I feel fine, but I do get scared and then I might start to feel run down or crummy, though I know it's all psychological.

It's a really hard fear for me, because in the past I actually preferred illnesses like this - ones where I had clear, easily defined symptoms that my doctor could see and treat. But geez, it's been a rough flu season I guess, and it doesn't help that stories of otherwise healthy people dying are so sensationalized.

So for now, I'm using a lot of germ x and will just try to hold on until spring. If I do get sick, I definitely won't put off going to the doctor.

19-01-18, 19:40
Thank you for replying! I am so glad to here that you are up and moving around. I don't have a cough but i do have a sore throat. Did you go to the doctor at all, or did you just wait it out?

i waited it out. I would only have gone if I was having trouble breathing, chest pain, turning blue, things like that. Luckily, nothing like that happened.

19-01-18, 19:49
Wow, fishmanpa-- you certainly have gotten hit hard this season. I'm glad you are feeling better! I'm going to wait this out and see how i do this weekend. Obviously, i'll go if i feel worse. Something tells me that my anxiety is playing up my symptoms, although i do fee like utter crap. I hope everyone here stays well this season; and for those who are sick- get better!

21-01-18, 02:40
Just thought I'd share an update. I was swabbed for the flu: negative . Swabbed for strep throat: negative. The doctor said I had some sort of viral upper respatory virus.... It just needs to run its course .

Chris 614
21-01-18, 03:02
I had an upper respiratory infection with laryngitis that lasted around four weeks in December and January. It was annoying, but no big deal.

21-01-18, 15:07
I am completely freaked by this flu that is being talked about. Here in the UK the media are making it out to be the new plague & a death sentence !! Healthy people are dying at various ages young & old. We have a young family member on chemo which is scaring me even more. Today I have a slight sore throat & feel tired & bit off colour. My HA is now going up & up & Im having trouble controlling it. I am scared !!!!!

22-01-18, 19:14
I'm also so paranoid about the flu. I'm five months pregnant and there's a whole slew of horror stories online about pregnant woman having complications due to the flu and losing their baby. I teach at the university level and at least five of my students have told me they are missing class this week due to the flu (same students I had in class last Friday), so of course I'm panicking that I caught it from them. I've had a headache off and on for the past few days and today I woke up with a bit of a cough in the morning, but I haven't coughed then and I don't think I have a fever. I don't know if this is the start of the flu or not, but I'm terrified and trying to not let this consume me. :(

23-01-18, 19:45
Well, I can tell you that I am just barely getting over the cold virus I had all last week, and now I am stuck with a tickly, hacking cough! It's so frustrating. Of course my mind goes to all kinds of things... but I have to call it what it is. A post viral cough. Katie loves pizza- I hope you feel better soon. Lots of rest and drink plenty.

23-01-18, 21:24
I woke up feeling sick after a friend with the flu approached me yesterday. It’s quite possible it’s msotly in my head although I do feel like I’m Getting at least a cold. But I feel kind of shaky and weird which is worrying me.

23-01-18, 21:57
My doctor said there are different viruses going around, not just the flu. I felt very weird and shaky as I was getting my cold. I did not have the flu, although now i'm coughing which is really aggravating me. It's like I can't catch a break. It's awful enough to be riddled with panic and anxiety, and NOW I am trying to recover from this darn virus I got!

23-01-18, 22:35
Interesting. Maybe I have something similar. I am a little stuffy and have a tiny cough and just feel a little fuzzy in the head.

I agree it is stressful getting sick when we are so scared of getting sick!!

23-01-18, 22:46
I’ve had that irritating upper viral cough for 10 weeks!
Resulted in me and hubby spending Christmas in bed as it developed into a mild flu with lethargy and aches. Just got rid of it and guess what...both kids now have a cough my hubby has picked up a cold and to top it off he refuses to sleep in the spare bed room! I’m bound to get it again arghhhh:doh: