View Full Version : Abdomen pain

19-01-18, 20:16
For the last few weeks my health anxiety has been getting pretty bad.

I've had chest pains: went to a&e got x-rays, blood tests, ecg etc and it all came back clear - this is when I was initially told I probably had anxiety.

Then I started getting cloudy urine after I started taking Escitalopram. I got freaked out, so went for a urine test. It came back perfectly fine. The cloudy urine seems to have gone away.

Now I'm getting abdomen pain, which seems to be around the kidney/liver area but also moves around. What could be causing this? I'm now freaking out about having liver disease :(

20-01-18, 00:20
I have and had the same exact thing as you're describing. My ab pain moves around too. It's mainly on the right side under my rib to my hip area and from my belly button around into my back. Twinges and light pinch feelings. It's been 3 months for me since it started and I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. It does help to not feel alone with something like this though. There is a comfort hearing someone else has something like this too. Health anxiety can be so lonely.

20-01-18, 12:01
I have and had the same exact thing as you're describing. My ab pain moves around too. It's mainly on the right side under my rib to my hip area and from my belly button around into my back. Twinges and light pinch feelings. It's been 3 months for me since it started and I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. It does help to not feel alone with something like this though. There is a comfort hearing someone else has something like this too. Health anxiety can be so lonely.

Have you had any tests done for it? Hope you get better! You're right, HA can be very lonely :(

29-01-18, 21:06
I had a HIDA scan done for my gallbladder. I know the power of suggestion is strong with us who suffer from HA so I won't tell you what my current fear is. I will just say that my Dr didn't seem concerned except to say that my guts hate me. I've had 2 CT scans with IV contrast, a HIDA scan for my gallbladder, Itravaginal ultrasound for cysts the found on my ovaries, and all came back normal. My blood work was all normal too. But this dang pain just scares the snot out of me! It's back today after giving me a two day rest. So now I'm back trying to calm myself.

Have you seen a Dr since your last post? Do you have any updates?

29-01-18, 21:57
I went through this with HIDA scan, abdominal MRI and ultrasound, bloodwork etc. Doc thought it was my gallbladder while I feared something more ominous like my pancreas or liver. Turned out to be constipation! Even though I was having bowel movements daily, the MRI finally showed a tremendous amount of "ahem" right at my pain point (in the URQ under ribs). 3 prunes a day fixed me right up. I've always had IBS but never had pain in the URQ region before. It had only been in the lower right area and hadn't bothered me for years, so I was pretty shocked.

29-01-18, 21:59
Really??! That's great news! I've wondered if that's what's going on with me too. How long did you have the pains for? I'm going on 4 months now.

29-01-18, 22:06
About 5-6 months before the constipation was finally diagnosed.

29-01-18, 22:09
I had a doctors appointment and was told it isn't anything sinister and to keep an eye on it. It's still there but has gone down a bit. That's interesting re constipation, I wonder if it's that too. Thanks both :) keep me updated Mom2FourKiddos!

29-01-18, 23:15
With your constipation, did you get pains around your bellybutton sometimes too? My pain twinges move around from right under my ribs (it's there most of the time) but then around into my back, sometimes lower, sometimes closer to my belly button too.

Sam, what did your Dr think it was? My Dr was pretty laid back and just said he wasn't worried much about it and that was it. I wish I could not worry about it like him. Haha

30-01-18, 08:09
My doctor said it's most likely something to do with bowel movements also due to stress. They didn't seem worried either haha, like you said I wish we could feel the same way as them!

30-01-18, 08:25
I've had similar over the past 12 days. Strange moving ab pains and unusual feelings of burning/cramping/tightness/stabbing pains. Have been to two GPs as worried it was something acute but they both said it was gastric (IBS type thing). Since then I've been taking Buscopan and it helps when the pain starts. I think I'm finally starting to accept that that the GPs are probably correct in their diagnosis.

31-01-18, 04:24
It's definitely frustrating to not know what's going on and what's causing the pains. Ugh! I'm glad the medicine is helping. I need to get back in to see if we can try something else.

---------- Post added at 20:24 ---------- Previous post was at 18:17 ----------

3 prunes a day fixed me right up. I've always had IBS but never had pain in the URQ region before. It had only been in the lower right area and hadn't bothered me for years, so I was pretty shocked.

Had you tried anything else before the prunes? I'm taking metamucil twice a day and while it's got my stools back to a normal size, I still have the pains. Did you try any other kind of fiber before the prunes? And how long did it take to "move it all out" ;)

09-02-18, 09:56
Update on this: I finally got fed up of worrying and went to an urgent care centre. Had a doctor examine my abdomen, he pressed all around it. Did blood pressure and heart rate. A urine dipstick test, and bloods to examine kidney and liver function. Everything came back totally clear. The doctor has suggested it could be acid reflux and has given me some medication to see if that helps.

They've also sent the urine off for a culture just to double check.

He's also suggested that I go for an ultrasound. But has said that's more for my peace of mind, as he thinks there's nothing serious wrong.

As much as I'm relieved to have my blood tests come back fine, there's still a piece of me that wonders why I still have this pain. So frustrating.

10-02-18, 05:29
I actually had abdominal pain that moved around for months! The doctors discovered it was because of fecal impaction. The stress from the chest pain probably triggered it's plus the fact it's moving is probably because your feces are moving inside you. I didn't even notice any gas or constipation when I got my diagnoses, but getting laxaday got rid of the pain. Try to eat more fiber, relax more by hobbies bathes reading etc And drink lots of water. It may help get rid of the pain if it's fecal impaction. I didn't read anything past the first few replies so idk if you've already been given information on this, but I thought maybe sharing my experience would help you discover the issue

11-02-18, 09:22
Thanks Sammeyn27.

I have an ultrasound booked tomorrow, beginning to get nervous about it. :scared15:

Hoping that the blood tests would've found anything serious!

12-02-18, 12:23

Had a ultrasound today and the doctor found nothing of interest on there.

I've been told to keep an eye on things. They basically have no idea what's causing the pain. I'll keep taking the GERD medication for now and see how that goes. But I guess anything serious would've been caught by the multiple blood tests, urine tests, ECGs, x-ray and ultrasound?

12-02-18, 13:07
But I guess anything serious would've been caught by the multiple blood tests, urine tests, ECGs, x-ray and ultrasound?

There... I fixed that for you :)

But I guess anything serious would've been caught by the multiple blood tests, urine tests, ECGs, x-ray and ultrasound '.' (period)

Positive thoughts