View Full Version : Vertigo while rubbing neck?

19-01-18, 22:26
I was sitting at my computer (I don't have the best posture when I'm sitting at the computer and sometimes I lean over), and I started rubbing the upper part of the back of my neck and for a split second, it felt like everything was tilting. I grabbed my desk but it was over a quickly as it started. I don't know if it because of my posture or if I pressed on a muscle. I don't have any issues like this when I'm standing.

20-01-18, 02:37
It's surprising how much the neck & back can have an impact our heads. I think I get a lot of my dizziness & funny heads from tense neck muscles.

20-01-18, 05:46
I guess my neck muscles are tense because I'm stressed. My poor posture probably isn't helping.