View Full Version : Can ayone relate

30-06-07, 11:59
Hi Guys
Id been going to the toilet constantly since sunday, been going to the toilet even after havng just been (or the feeling of needing to go) bloatedness, nausues (sometimes) either constipated or diarrea, kinda like abdominal pain. I got diagnosed with ibs yesterday and when looking at the symptoms, i could relate to them all, but with having health anxiety u always in the bank of your mind think, WHAT IF i have cancer or a ulcer, I always seem to think he worst. why is that. Basically this thread is about asking wether anyone else sufferes bad with ibs.
Id really appreciate some answers, thanks for reading, have a nice day


30-06-07, 13:16
IBS is a real pain. It leaves you feeling really uncomfortable. I can understand you worring about what if its something more but if your doctor saw even the slighest reason to worry he would send you for futher tests. IBS is a common promblem and is made worse by stress and stuff. Altering your diet can help by eating lots of fruit and veg for the fibre to help digestion. Also try and avoid fizzy drinks that can leave you feeling bloated and avoid alcohol as this can make the symptoms worse.
Hope you feel betetr

30-06-07, 15:03
Hi, I too got diagnosed as having IBS about 5 years ago after suffering what you just said for years, the doctor wouldn’t diagnose IBS, but referred me to a gastro specialist who ordered for me to have a Chest x-ray, Blood tests, a barium enema and a sygmoidoscopy. All these tests took about 8 months to complete and some not to comfortable, but on returning to the specialist he said he could see some cramping of the colon but there was nothing wrong at all so the cramping was down to IBS. I was glad I had all the tests as knowing it wasn’t cancer or something bad, really made my tummy feel much better. At the time I had to run to the toilet over and over, Feeling sick and pushing to eat, real bad tummy pains and even passing blood, the passing of blood was piles from the constant going I still do have a funny tummy from time to time, but nothing compared with before the tests and knowing I was ok. So it goes to show how much just worrying can make you feel so ill. Hope you feel better soon, Take care, Vernon

30-06-07, 16:09

Count me in for IBS too. I also saw a specialist. IBS is not fun. I agree if you can control it with diet it is much better than medication. I tend to also stay away from caffiene as it can cause diarrhea with patients with IBS and increases anxiety too. Even though I have been diagnosed it doesn't mean the problem goes away you really have to find what works for you and stick to it. Good luck and I too hope you feel better soon.


03-07-07, 22:02
Hi, I would like to add that I can relate to this too. I was diagnosed with IBS a year ago - my GP referred me for tests because I couldn't accept this was "just" IBS. I had it in my head I had bowel cancer. To be honest, every now and then the fear comes back to me, but I am coping much better with it now. I now realise this is a fear rather than an immediate threat, if you know what I mean!

I have had blood tests and sigmoidoscopy - all came back normal. I have had counselling, which I think has helped me a great deal. I have been referred to a dietician and am just embarking on a "low fibre" diet to see if what I am eating is having effect on my bowels. I take the supplement 5HTP and I try to keep my stress levels as low as possible. I do my best to eat healthily, exercise, etc.

I just wanted to tell you that there is help out there, although you usually have to ask for it! But I'm sure if you asked your doctor for diet/nutrition referral they could arrange this, and also counselling or CBT to help you learn ways of coping with your health anxiety. You really don't have to suffer alone with this, even though there is no "cure" as such.

The problem with IBS is that stress makes it so much worse, and if you suffer with HA you will be stressed about your symptoms so it's a vicious circle.

A year on my symptoms are improved on how they were, although by no means "normal" but my attitude towards my symptoms and my acceptance to my diagnosis has made the whole thing much less of an issue. It's something I can live with (although I'd prefer not to!) but it's no longer taking over my life.