View Full Version : Cancer fear back - petrified!

20-01-18, 10:16
Had been feeling fine for quite a few months, no health anxiety which has been nice. However a week ago felt like I was getting a UTI, went to dr, but turned out no infection. Burning bladder and pelvic pain continued and I also have been constipated for about the last 3 months (but obviously on its own I thought nothing of it). Of course I googled and everything says ovarian cancer. I thought well I don't have any bloating so that's a relief, and then 2 days later I became so bloated I look 6 months pregnant! I had ultrasound today and hopefully get results back Monday, but of course I'm going mad with anxiety as I'm thinking the worst. I'm 38 years old, had ultrasound in June last year which was fine, and logically I'd been thinking if this really was the worst, to cause all these symptoms it must be quite big and would it really be that big in that time? And also would the symptoms (except the constipation) really all just show up in one week? I know no one can answer that, these are just the questions running around in my head! I wonder if I'm being completely irrational, and wish I didn't jump to conclusions. At this point I've got myself into such a state, it's hard to be able to get into my head that this could be anything else.

20-01-18, 20:25
Maybe it’s all due to constipation. If your blocked up your bowel can press onto your bladder making you pee more, that will also cause bloatedness and pain. X

30-01-18, 12:29
Ultrasound came back clear, big relief, and another reminder that there usually is a logical explanation for symptoms other than the cancer are sure you must have!

I do still have really bad back/pelvis ache but I’m trying to focus on other explanations and hopefully the physio starts working so I don’t go down another worry path about something related to my spine!

30-01-18, 13:03
Good news x

30-01-18, 13:13

30-01-18, 16:27
YAY! I was coming in to chime that I've had the UTI symptoms but not UTI before. I always figured its anxiety or just a bit of irritation. Glad you got good news, celebrate!!