View Full Version : feel like i need to urinate

20-01-18, 12:19
Hey guys,

recently I have been feeling like I need to urinate. when I do go nothing comes out right away. I have to strain then a drop comes out then it stops then the flow starts. I have been to the docs with a pee sample and my ph level was 9. doc said no uti and that it could be fungel like thrush. told to go away with ibuprofen and thrush cream. this was on Tuesday. 4 days on and I am still feeling like the tube in my penis is making me need to go. if I lie down or sit this feeling is there. if I stand its not as bad.
im in no pain at all and am terrified its prostate cancer. im going to go back to the docs on Wednesday if its not right. anyone had this issue before?

thanks in advance.

20-01-18, 12:30
I have this problem quite frequently. I always thought it was an anxiety thing, when I asked my doctor (I am a woman so not prostate cancer) he said it could be anxiety because I notice but more if i have a particularly anxious time.

20-01-18, 12:50
iv not really felt anxious though that the weird thing. since I had cbt training a couple years ago iv been a lot better. any guys on here with similar problems?

20-01-18, 13:19
It could be an anxiety thing for sure, but it does sound like a UTI to me if I'm honest!! Could you take another sample in as it has been 4 days? xx

20-01-18, 13:32
yeah im gonna go back next week and take another sample in. thanks for the replies xx

21-01-18, 04:02
I can relate to this. I also often have the feeling that I need to use the loo, even though I have only been. The first time this happened was about ten years ago, and I think it was my first real instance of full blown health anxiety. I also thought it was UTI, but antibiotics didn’t solve the issue. I then thought it was my prostate, but the digital exam found it was fine. Finally I de-stressed my life and went onto an antidepressant and the issue slowly went away.

However, this past year the issue popped up again. Once again my GP tested my urine (clear, no UTI) and prostate (digital, feels fine). I was already on SSRI, and neither one of us wanted to increase its dosage at the time. Ultimately what helped was relaxation and time. I found that the issue seems to be caused by my pelvic floor. I tend to hold my pelvic floor tightly. And when I am stressed (even if I am just concentrating) I hold it tighter and tighter. Ultimately I just exhaust my pelvic floor which causes weird urinary issues and sensations. Furthermore because I get stressed about the issue, I hold my PF even tighter, and I got super conscious about my bladder which causes me to tighten up down there even more. So it was a vicious cycle.

If you look up frequent urination online, most would suggest you do Kegal exercises to tone your pelvic floor. I found this was the opposite of what I needed since my PF was already too tight. So I found lower body stretches really helpful. Anything to help loose the pelvic floor - including relaxation, meditation, and stretching - helps my condition. Also when I feel I have the issue more under control I keep a wee diary so I can gauge the time between elimination. Because I realized sometimes I think I go a lot but it wasn’t actually that much. Furthermore it does help with training myself that I can hold the wee longer than I think I can.

Unfortunately I think it’s one of those physical symptoms my anxiety defaults to, and I have learned to accept it and work to manage it. It does go away, but annoyingly it only goes away when you don’t think about it, but it’s so annoying so it’s hard not to think about.

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au Lait
21-01-18, 04:44
I went through a long episode of this last year. I felt like I had to pee all the time, but when I’d go very little came out. Had a urinalysis and blood work done to check bladder and kidney functions. Everything came back normal. I’m pretty sure it was 100 percent anxiety related. My anxiety was pretty high at the time, though I wasn’t totally aware of it then. Eventually when my anxiety levels came down the sensations went away. Every now and then it starts up again when my anxiety peaks, but it passes much more quickly now.