View Full Version : Pulsing flashes in corner of one eye

20-01-18, 12:22
They started several days ago with a black flashing line. I went to my optometrist who thought they might be migraine related. But I have never had anything limethat before with a migraine. Now I am getting pulses of light flashing on the side of one eye. I know that chances are it is just a vitreous thing, although my dr. couldnt see anythng wrong. I made a mistake of googling and saw stories of brain tumour patients who died and flashing lights and lines were their first signs. Really freaking out now.

20-01-18, 12:57

It really does sound like a migraine! I have had them for 2+ years now and sometimes I still get new symptoms! They are awful and can be very scary, when I had my first bad one I took myself up to A&E because it was so severe.

How often does it happen? xx

20-01-18, 13:03
It has been coming and going. For about three days. I did have a headache for the same side the night before it started and have been really stressed lately. It seems to last for a bit, goes away and then comes back. I shouldn’t have googled. I am a single mom and of course you will find stories where the first symptom was flashing in the eyes.

20-01-18, 21:56
Is it in one eye, or both?

21-01-18, 06:35
This flashing light has been happening to me today, out of the corner of my left eye. Mine is like a silver or white flashing light!!! I have never had it before and I don't have a headache although it did scare me so bad 2 times that I jumped and the 2nd time I jumped it made my head hurt... It's got me really freaked out. I just searched here, flashing light in the outer corner of eye and came across your post. Just wow

What color is the light for you? I don't have any black lines and I know I don't have a brain tumor as I have had a ct scan and 2 brain MRI for dizzy spells about 6 months ago.

The first symptom of what was flashing in the eyes?