View Full Version : Brain fog

20-01-18, 21:34

Does anyone get brain fog as a side effect from pregabalin? Or is it likely to be from anxiety itself?

I take 600mg/day


21-01-18, 21:58
In my opinion the brain fog is there to reduce anxiety that’s why you get it.
I think in stressful situations it’s good to have this blanket over the brain to reduce the stress

22-01-18, 15:22
Hi LD50 - Both are possible - the brain fog could be caused by the pregabalin or anxiety. But is the pregabalin stopping your anxiety? If so, that would make the pregabalin to be the more likely cause. You could try reducing your dose to see if the fog decreases and anxiety doesn't reappear. If you have been taking pregabalin for some time and things seem to settling apart from the brain fog, you may not need 600 mg daily.

24-01-18, 11:13
Thank you for your replies :)

I have halved the pregabalin dose to 300mg daily and anxiety has increased. Regarding brain fog - this has either not changed or got worse, certainly is no better.

Does this mean it’s likely a GAD symptom?